F o U r t y - E i G h t

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Bold is Ashton ---- Jayson
Italics is Allison

Hey Ash. I'm sorry about yesterday.

Ooh it's okay! Next time, kill me instead!

Ash? Are you high?

Wait... are you my girlfriend?


Hey watch me jump off a cliff!!

Yep he's high.

Hey what's your name?

Can you stop using hey?


Why are you so excited?

Ooh someone else is texting me!

Someone named Fish Face?

Wait it's says best friend.

I have friends?


Ur jayson, ash's brother aren't you?

Awww you know who I am!

Yea... I just didn't know you hate your bro with such a passion.

I don't hate him. I'm just acting like him... being dumb and stupid!

Yea! Nice impression! I totally fell for it!

See I told you!

Wait... whoops.

Ashton is coming back...


Ash has left the chat room.

"Hm nice brother."

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