Author's Note// Graphics!!

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As I was writing this book, I received some fan graphics (is that a thing?) from some beautiful people and I just want to share them with you! :)

As I was writing this book, I received some fan graphics (is that a thing?) from some beautiful people and I just want to share them with you! :)

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Look at how gorgeous these graphics are! Thank you for sending me them, they are truly beautiful! And for the people reading this, check their profiles out and leave a kind message. We are a kind and supportive community, after all. ;)

You Narwhals, Unicorns, and Whale are all super amazing! I love all of you.

Again, thank you all for staying with me on this journey. I wouldn't have done it without you. <3

So in the end, good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

With lots of love,
Y o U r  F u T u r e  A u T h O r

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