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Chapter: One | POV: [Y/N]

"Okay, yeah, I'll be there in 10 minutes, okay? Okay, see ya," I say, and hang up the call with my friend Brianna, and put my focus back on the road. Right as I look back, a man runs out in front of my car, and stopped.

"Oh my god!" I scream, slam on my brakes, pull over, and jump out. I run over to the man, it looked like he was, c-crying? Why would he run out in front of my car, nonetheless be crying? I got his attention and pulled him onto the sidewalk. "Are you okay? Why'd you run into the road in front of my car?" I asked anxiously, and when he looked back, there was only one thing his red-eyed, teary gaze said. 'Why'd you stop driving?'

"I-I don't know, I'm sorry," he choked out, and he turned away from me and started to cry more harshly. I turned him around and just hugged him. I felt so bad for him, I was such a jerk! He tensed up at first, but he seemed to slowly ease into my embrace. He wrapped his arms around me, and he seemed to calm down a little bit. We'd probably been hugging for 5 minutes when I finally pulled away. I invited him to come with me to get coffee with Brianna. He seemed shocked by my invitation. "O-oh, uh, wow. Well, I have nothing better to do, so sure?" He replied, though it sounded more like a question than an answer.

"Great! Come on!" I said excitedly, grabbing his hand and started to speed-walk towards my car. I thought I saw a slight smile flutter across his face when I grabbed his hand, but maybe I was just imagining it. He's kind of cute, but maybe I was just nervous about him. Yeah, I watched iCarly. It was kind of hard to tell what his hair color was, since it was so ruffled, but I think it's more dark blonde than anything else. Maybe it was brown, I don't know for sure. He was wearing a gray long sleeved shirt, matching gray jeans, and black converse. We got to my car and got in. "Let me tell you about me a little, I never introduced myself, sorry about that," I giggled, "First, my name's [Y/N], I'm 20, and I enjoy singing and acting, Go ahead and tell me a little about yourself."

"Can I ask you something first?" He asked, and I gave a little hum, signaling that he could ask his question. "Why are you being so nice to me? Most people look at me and try to get away from me as soon as they can, but..," he started, and started to well up, "b-but, you've been so nice to me. You stopped and talked to me, you didn't swerve around me, you didn't tell me I was retarded, you asked if I was okay. You invited me to go to see your friend, why?" He asked. This made me sad. He seems really sweet, how can people be such jerks?

"I'm sorry to hear that. Well, are you breathing?" I asked with a slight smirk. His eyes glossed over with confusion, and he nodded his head. "Is your heart beating?" He nodded again. "That's why I stopped. You're a living, breathing human, and that's what matters, isn't it?" I said, taking my attention off the road and making eye contact with him with a big smile. He seemed so surprised, why is he so surprised by my kindness? Has nobody ever been kind to him?

"Oh." Was all he said. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes when he speaked up. "Oh yeah, I should probably tell you a little about me, huh?" He said, with a slight chuckle. That's good, he laughed. I giggled in response.

"I'm all ears," I said, smiling at him.

"Well, I'm Bo, I'm 21, and I like to do comedy, singing, and acting," He stared at his hands, his voice starting to lose volume, "weird, huh? A guy liking acting, strange." I gave him a slight smile, I thought it was awesome we shared some common interests.

"No, that's awesome! I think it's cool that I have a guy friend who likes to sing and act." I reassured him, and his eyes lit up.

"Wait, w-we're friends?" He said shakily, and I nodded and hummed. "Oh, wow. I think it's cool to have a friend again." He stopped after saying 'again.' That made me tense up a bit. We arrived at La Java, and we walked in, and Brianna waved at me, signaling me over. Bo seemed really confused, but trailed behind me. When we got close, I saw a smirk creep onto Brianna's face.

"Who's your boyfriend?"

Are You Happy? // Bo Burnham FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang