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Chapter: Nineteen | POV: [Y/N]

"Brianna!" I scream and run over to her lifeless body. "Bo, call 911! Please!" I yell, and Bo staggers out of the car and pulls out his phone. I sit next to her, checking and hoping that she has a heartbeat. But it was just silence. No heartbeat anymore. No life anymore. No Brianna anymore.

A few minutes pass by and a few emergency vehicles pull in. I motion for an ambulance to come towards Brianna and I, so the man inside parks the vehicle and comes by us.

"What happened here Miss?" The man asks, calling for a stretcher. He pulls out a notepad and a pen, presumably to write down what I say.

I take a deep breath to calm myself down to prevent myself from crying again. "Uh, my boyfriend and I were driving when we crashed into another car, which happened to be my best friend Brianna Drade."

He writes the main points on the paper and sighs. "Did you check her pulse?"

"Yes, and there's nothing there."

"I'm so sorry, she's gone," another man walks up behind the first and says to me. No tears, I already knew.

"[Y/N], I'm so sorry. I know how much she meant to you. I didn't mean to make you mad, it caused all of this. We would've never crashed into her if I would've been more careful or just not've written the text at all. I'm such a jerk, just look. I basically killed your best friend," Bo says, putting a hand on my shoulder. He started crying too, I don't know what to say to him. "I'm sorry. I need to go," he adds and walks away.

"Wait sir, we need to ask you some questions about the incident," the main that "interviewed" me shouts, but Bo never turns around.

I jog up to him, nudging him to get his attention. "Bo they need to talk to you."

"Leave me alone," he says, but turns around and walks up to the man. I follow next to him, studying his face. He looks over at me, and my stomach drops a little. I go to give him a kiss on the cheek, but it didn't work well.

Bo put his palm on my forehead and pushed me away, shaking his head as the investigator took him away from me.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I'm making these chapters short, this one only being roughly 400 words. I'm "known" for writing long chapters and I'm not living up to that title (thatnobodyactuallygavemequitmakingyourselflookcooljordanitwontwork) sO anYwAYs, the next chapter since it's chapter 20 should be a "good" one, but there will be a trigger warning for it, I just don't know how to make what I have in mind reasonable for those who may be sensitive to the topic. But, as always, thank you guys for the support on the book, it means the whole world to me you guys like it.

Much love.

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