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Chapter: Eight | POV: [Y/N]

The next morning, I woke up hugging a sleeping Bo, and smiled. I turned to see that Brianna booked it in the middle of the night. Not that surprised, she does that sometimes. I try to get up, but arms are wrapped around my waist. I was trapped, wasn't I? I look at Bo, who was partially awake. His hair was all ruffled, all I wanted to do was run my fingers through it. That'd be kind of weird, though. Hey we met yesterday, let me run my fingers through your hair. Totally normal. "Stay with me?" Bo said, his morning voice pulling me back down to his side. I lay back down, and I feel him smile against my head. "We should probably finish watching my comedy special, I mean, you fell asleep during it, loser," he says, and I punch his shoulder.

"I guess we can. I don't have to work this week, so I guess we could hang out longer. Let's have some breakfast first," I say, and successfully stand up. Bo groans in response, but follows me to the kitchen anyways. He goes into the fridge, and pulls out a carton of cherries.

"Pop," he whispers in my ear, smirking and squishes the cherry. This sent a chill down my spine, but I refused to let him know that it had that affect on me, so I told him to put the carton back in the fridge. He does what I say, and we decided on cereal. "Okay, don't get freaked out by this, but Drake was in my dream last night and it was so strange. I was talking to this girl at a club, and he comes up to me and starts laughing at nothing. Like, dude, I'm trying to get laid here, go away," he says, and I laugh. How the hell does Drake show up in your dream?

"Trying to get laid, huh? What, am I not good enough for you?" I say, leaning towards a confused Bo.

"No, I mean, yes, well, wait, what?" He says, trying to take the attention off of him and onto me. "You want to fuck me? Well, I guess I have fucked quite a few sluts. Oh, I should remember that," he whispers the last part to himself. What the FUCK is that supposed to mean?

"ExcuuUuUUSssE mEe?" I say, and pretend to be offended. He laughs, and shoves a spoonful of cereal in his mouth, and drinks the rest of the milk in the bowl.

"Hurry up, those lucky charms aren't going to stay lucky for very long," he says, and I cocked my head. What's that supposed to mean? He then takes his spoon, and eats the rest of the marshmallows left in the bowl. "Told you!" He says when I start to smack his shoulder. He eventually winced in pain, and I stopped. That was the shoulder that was closest to Rachel, wasn't it? Oh. No. She's going to get hecked up.

"Take off your shirt," I say, and a smirk grows on Bo's face.

"Aren't you going to pay me first?" He says, and I laugh. I say it again with more force, and he sighs. He picks up our bowls, setting them in the sink and fills them with water. He grabs my hand, and leads me to the couch. "I'm going to tell you this, and I need you to believe me, okay? Rachel didn't hurt me yesterday, I've just been going to the gym and it's very hard," he tries to convince me, and I start taking the shirt off. "No!" He yells, and tries to push me off of him. "[Y/N], stop! Please! I don't want you to see my body for that long! I already don't like it, why would you?"

"Bo, please! Let me see!" I plead, but he's not giving in.

"No!" He yells much more sternly, and raises his hand to hit me. I scream, and run upstairs. He starts following me, and yells at me to stop. I run to my room, and jump under the covers. My breathing quickens, the whole room starts to shake, I'm having an anxiety attack from my PTSD. Bo runs in, and sees me under the covers. He curses at himself, and tries to pull me next to him. I start to cry more, and try to run out of the room. He pulls me down, and wraps his long arms around me, and starts to run his fingers through my hair. Of course he can, it'd be too awkward for me to. He shushes me, and I start to calm down. "[Y/N], I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to set you off, I panicked. I'd never hurt you, you're too good for that. You don't deserve that kind of treatment. You deserve someone who doesn't threaten you or break so fucking easily. You deserve better than me," his voice starts to trail off, and he breaks eye contact. "I should go." He stands up, and I wipe my eyes and go after him.

"Bo! Stop!" I yell, but he doesn't stop until he gets to the staircase. He's starting to cry, and I run to him. I jump to him, and he catches me. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, and hug him tightly. After a few minutes, I bring my head up, and make eye contact with him. "Bo, don't you ever think that! You're such an amazing guy, please don't downgrade yourself so much. You're sweet, handsome, hilarious, talented, and the biggest gentlemen I've ever met. Please, don't say that, you're amazing. Don't think anything else," I say, and I kiss him. He kisses back, it was amazing. I can't believe he would say these things about himself. When we broke, Bo had a teary smile on his face.

"I like you, [Y/N]."

"I like you too, Bo."

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