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•trigger warning//tw•

Chapter: Twenty | POV: [Y/N]

I watched Bo walk away from me, still shocked by his last action. I walk over to my car, inspecting the damage, and decide that it's safe enough to drive home in. I shoot one more glance to where Bo once was, and get in my car and start driving towards home. I should be fine, they have my name and phone number if anything were to happen.

Should I go to the hospital? No, I think I'm alright. My shoulder is just a little sore from hitting my door, everything else is fine. Home is only a few minutes away, I should get there soon.

I take a minute to wrap my head around what just happened, and sigh. My best friend is really dead. Damn, that's going to take a while to get used to. No midnight calls from her, no teasing me about stupid shit, no overreacting about Bo and I, wait. She didn't even know that Bo and I are dating. Are we still dating? He seemed really upset. I should just wait until he gets back to worry about it. I really care about him, I don't want to lose him.

Maybe I should surprise him at his house. Yeah, I think that'll be kind of cool.

On my way back from the scene, I pass by a McDonalds and decide to get some food. I go through the drive thru, get my shit, and start to drive towards Bo's.

<<time skip brought to you by your local snuggie>>

I arrive at Bo's house and knock on the door to make sure he isn't there. Nobody comes to the door, so I decide that it's safe enough to go in. I turn the knob on the front door, and it opens without much effort needed. I guess he forgot to lock his door. I shut the door, sit on the couch and eat the rest of my food.

After I'm done eating, I hear a door slam upstairs, and my anxiety shot up. I didn't think he was home. I look around for the TV remote and see that his windows are open, that was most likely why the door slammed shut upstairs.

I turn on the TV and watch it for a little while when I hear some rummaging upstairs and some cabinets being opened and closed. Okay, sounds like Bo is home. I walk towards the stairs and see that Bo is in fact home and heading towards the stairs too. Before he can see me, I quickly walk further down the wall so that he can't see me.

When he reaches the bottom of the stairs, I wrap my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder, scaring him enough to jump a little bit at my touch.

"[Y/N], what the fuck are you doing in my house?" Bo asks me, pissed to see me. He pushes me off him harshly, resulting in me hitting my back on the corner of the wall.

"Alright, not the reaction I was going for, but okay, I probably deserved that," I said, reaching a hand onto the part of my back that hit the edge.

"Damn right you did! Who shows up to somebody else's house with no warning?" He retorts, and I sigh a little.

"Are you still upset because of the crash? Bo, it wasn't your fault. I wasn't even looking in the first place. Don't fucking beat yourself up over it," I yell at him, stepping in front of him.

"You were fucking looking at me, [Y/N]! I obviously caused the goddamn crash, you can't tell me otherwise," he yells back, and I grunt.

"Bo, just stop! It's in the fucking past, it's over with, we can't do anything to change it! Just fucking forget about it!" I scream at him, and he takes a step back. "I'm sorry, it just makes me upset when you do this to yourself," I say, and he sighs and looks at his feet.

//aaa trigger warning starts here aaa\\

"[Y/N] I know there's nothing we can do about it, but it'll always be there," Bo says softly, and I hug him. I feel something push against my stomach, and I take a step back. I look down to see a pill bottle in his hands, and I gasp. Tears instantly begin to form in my eyes, and Bo sighs.

POV Switch: Bo

Shit. She definitely saw. "[Y/N], don't worry, I was, um, just throwing it out," I say, which was actually true,

since I took the rest of the bottle.

She yanks it out of my hand and shakes it, hearing nothing. "Bo, why?" She asks, tears rolling down her face and hitting the floor.

"[Y/N], it was going to happen sooner or later wasn't it? We all die, don't we? I just wanted my own to be a little sooner," I say and tears start to form in my eyes as well.

She chucks the bottle across the room, making a small thud when it hits the ground. "We do, but it's supposed to be naturally, not fucking forced like this!" She yells at me, and falls to the floor crying. I pick her up, and wrap my arms around her. She wraps hers around me, shaking my entire body with every sob.

She lets go of me, and pulls out her phone. "Bo, I'm calling an ambulance. I need you here," she says, and I grab her phone from her.

"But what if I don't want to be saved? What if I don't want to be here even if you need me?" I ask, and [Y/N] collects herself and sighs, grabbing her phone from me.

"I need you here because I want to leave too. You've kept me here because you make me laugh and make me happy. You fucking mean something to me, that's why. I care about you, that's why. I fucking love you, that's why, Bo, I need you here," she says, and a few tears escape from my eyes. I sit on the couch, my stomach starting to feel a bit weird.

POV Switch: [Y/N]

Bo sits down on the couch, distress on his face, and I start to panic. I call 911 and have an ambulance put on route to ou- his house. I sit beside him and talk to him to try and keep him conscious.

I just want to hug him forever.

"Did you ever realize how blue my eyes are?" Bo asked, and I shuddered. He was saying a lot of random stuff, it can't be a good thing, can it. "Well? Are you gonna look?"

I'm going to miss the feeling of your lips.

I lean in to look at his eyes and he kisses me. "Gotcha!" He says and laughs.

I'm going to miss your blue eyes and your laugh.

A few minutes later the ambulance shows up and take Bo and I to the hospital, but he lost consciousness on the way there.

I'm going to miss your jokes and songs.

"[Y/N]?" A doctor called out into the waiting center, and I rushed over to him

It didn't have to end this way.


We could've avoided this.

"You were here with Robert Burnham, correct?"

Why'd you have to leave?


Did you want me to feel this way?

"I'm sorry,"

If you did, congratulations.

"He's gone."

Are you happy?


Ladies and gentlemen, that's the end of 'Are You Happy?'. I really hope that you all enjoyed it, and I'm sorry it had such a shit ending. Thank you all for sticking through the story, and I will be writing a new book soon, maybe not Bo, but it should still be enjoyed by some of you.

Again, thank you all for reading, goodnight,

I hope you're happy.


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