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Chapter: Ten | POV: Bo

"I'm sorrrry, where are you going?" [Y/N] asks, and I shake my head after turning away from the confused girl.

I "walk" towards her room. "It won't matter," I mumble to myself, and grab my bag from her room.

"You could've TOLD me you were going to get changed, jeez!" I hear her yell, and I smile faintly. What am I doing? I look around, taking in the blue walls, purple bedspread, and posters hung on her walls for what is most likely the last time, and walk to the staircase.

I eventually make it downstairs to see a sad and confused [Y/N] staring at me, watching my every move. "Hey, uh, I think I should, uh, I should, ugh, I'm going to go home," I stutter, and I get to her front door as quickly as I could, stumbling every few steps.

"Bo, wait," she says, and I turn around to make eye contact with her. "I'm sorry." [Y/N], how am I supposed to respond to that?

"I'm sorry, too."


I slam the door shut to [Y/N]'s house, instantly regretting it. I freaked out on her because I got mad about the fact that she was sad I lied. Yeah, that's logical. Damnit, Bo. When I saw Rachel, I texted her asking her to be my ex so that I could hold [Y/N]'s hand. It was a bit awkward since she's one of my only friends, but whatever. I said something that upset her and she hit my shoulder pretty hardly, so at least I wasn't lying about the abuse part. I don't know why I'm still friends with her. I'm at the end of her driveway, not knowing what to do or where to go, when I hear the front door open. I turn around to see [Y/N] staring back at me, and I shake my head and walk -more stumble, stupid whiskey- towards my house. I hear her say something to herself and shut the door, and I start to cry. I'm such an idiot to walk out on her. I pass Brianna, and she tries to walk up to me.

"Hey, Bo. What's up?" She says, and I being to walk faster. "Bo, talk to me please. What's wrong?" She pleads, and I stop walking.

"Brianna, I'm fine, okay? I'm just going home," I say, and she mumbles 'oh', nods sadly, and walks back to her house. I can't believe I've lied so many times in two days. I'm pathetic. All I want to do is walk back to [Y/N]'s and apologize and be by her side, but that's not an option. Not anymore. At least for a while. I grab my keys from my pocket, and feel my phone vibrate against my hand. I must've hit the ringer button. I unlock my front door, and walk in after shutting it and locking it again. I walk over towards my couch and see [Y/N]'s empty coffee cup sitting on the end table, and sigh. I throw my bag on the floor, pick up the cup and throw it away. I decide to take a name to pass time, maybe I'll go back over and try to apologize.

<<Time skip brought to you by the number 298>>

I wake up and look at the clock, it's 5:27 p.m. I take my phone out of my pocket to see four missed calls and seven texts from [Y/N].

12:26 p.m. - Bo, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, please come back.

1:48 p.m. - I know that you're upset, but I just want to talk.

2:39 p.m. - Bo, please.

3:01 p.m. - I just want you to know that I still care about you, Bo. Don't think that just because of this I don't care anymore.

3:52 p.m. - Bo, are you there?

4:38 p.m. - I'm so sorry.

5:13 p.m. - Just come back. Please.

I jump off the couch and sprint to the door which wasn't a good idea, because then I felt like I had to throw up, which I did. I guess it was a good thing, though, since all the alcohol is out of me now. When that was finished, I was ready to go when I see it's storming out. Cliché. If I get to [Y/N], it's worth it. I step outside, and start to walk to her house. When I get to her house, I see her sitting on the porch, turned away from me, crying. I walk up behind her as quietly as I could, and tap her on the shoulder.

POV switch : [Y/N]

It's after 5:30 and I'm starting to get worried. I don't want to walk to his house, I might upset him even more. What could he be doing? Just the thought made me start to cry. I just want to see his smile, hear his voice, hold his hand, I want him here. Please. I turn to look at the main road, and think about Bo. Why does this boy have so much control over me? I sit for a few minutes crying. I'm so pathetic. Crying over a guy I met a little over a day ago. I feel something touch my shoulder, I'm guessing Brianna saw me crying again. "Brianna, I'm fi-"

"Didn't know I was a girl now," said a man's voice. Bo's voice.

"Bo!" I scream, and hug him tightly. He picks me up, and we hug for a few minutes. We finally sat back down, and I grabbed his hand. "Bo, I'm so sorry I upset you. I just didn't understand why you'd lie to me."

His expression dropped a bit. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to say," he admitted, and I squeezed his hand. "I'm a bit cold, though. Can we go inside?" He asks with a small chuckle, and I agree.

"Here, I'll get you a different shirt, that one is soaked," I say, but he doesn't move.

"No, I'm fine," he assures me, but I'm not convinced.

I walk towards the couch, and motion for him to sit down. He sighs, and follows. "Why are you so self conscious? You look amazing. You're absolutely perfect just the way you are," I say, and he laughs.

"I wish," he mumbles, and I frown. "It's not that simple, [Y/N]. You can't just tell me this and expect me to believe you. You can't fix me. No matter how you try, I'm still broken beyond repair."

"I'm always up for a challenge, don't think I'm turning this one down," I say and kiss his cheek. I go into the laundry room and grab a sweatshirt from the drier, the cycle just finished so it was nice and warm. "Please let me," I say, and he sighs and mutters an 'okay.' I go over to him, pull off the shirt he's wearing, and kiss his neck. "You're perfect," I purr into his ear, and I notice him holding back a smile. "You know, I think this suits you better. I like the view," I say, and sit on the couch in front of him.

"I hate you," he laughs. (Em, I'm watching you.)

"I get what I want," I say, and he smiles.

"Sure you do."

"Watch me," I say, and push him backwards, kissing him. He kisses back, and I put one of my hands on his chest. We break apart, and I run my fingertips down his chest. He has a slight ab outline, better than I thought.

"I can't believe you," he says, and pushes me off the couch.

"You love me."

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Only time will tell," he says, and he pulls me on the couch, putting his arm around me. I run my hand over his stomach, and he laughs. "Told you I've been going to the gym."


Hiya! So this is my first a/n at the end of a chapter, so I'm going to use these to clear up some stuff that I thought might've been a bit confusing. Basically, the first part of the chapter is what happened in the end of the last chapter in Bo's eyes. Sorry if it was a little confusing, I hope this cleared it up for you guys!

Much love♡

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