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Chapter: Fifteen | POV: [Y/N]

Bo and I hug for a few minutes in the rain, and he finally lets go of me. "We should probably go back to one of our houses, it's still raining and it's getting too cliché," he says, grabbing my hand and starts walking.

"Wait," I say, and Bo gives me a confused look. I let go of his hand and walk to another fallen over tree trunk, grabbing a small pocket knife. I show the knife to Bo, but the confused expression never leaves his face. "What, you thought I wasn't going to do something to remember this moment?" I say, rolling my eyes. He makes a noise signaling he now understood what I grabbed the knife for, and I smile at him. I walk to the tree trunk that we originally sat on, carving into the wood;

'b+[first initial]

Bo grabbed my hand after I put the knife back under the tree trunk and we looked at the new mark in the wood, smiles never leaving our faces. He kisses me on top of my head, and we start to walk out of the woods.

Once we get out, we see that Lorene and Max were sitting on a bench, looking at each other with pained expressions on both of their faces. They must've heard us emerge from the woods, because they turned around and laid their eyes on us. Bo sees the two staring at us as well, because he grabbed my chin and kissed me passionately. I smile into the kiss, and he pulls away. A little saddened, I turn my head to see that Lorene and Max turned back around and were talking about us.

I grab Bo's hand, intertwining our fingers, and we start walking towards the street. "You enjoy annoying people, don't you?" I ask Bo, and he chuckles.

"It's a habit," he responds, shrugging his shoulders. I shake my head, looking down at the ground with a small smile on my face. "Aren't you a little worried about them? Who knows what they could do to us, or say or do about us."

I stop walking and Bo faces me. "It doesn't matter what they think of us, as long as we're happy, it shouldn't matter, right?" I say, trying to examine the emotions in his eyes.

He sighs and wraps his arms around me, and I do the same, "Of course, [Y/N]. I just don't want you to get hurt. I'll never forgive myself if something happens to you."

"Let's just focus on what's happening now, and we'll worry about that if and when that comes along," I say, and he gives me an unconvinced smile.

"Okay," he replies, but I still have an uneasy feeling in my stomach, I can tell Bo has the same feeling in his. "What should we do now?" He says, and I shrug.

"I mean, I just chose to go to the park, whatever you want to do," I suggest, and a smile creeps onto his face.

"Whatever I want to do?" He says, and I glare at him.

"Don't you dare."

"I was going to say we should go buy a shit ton of snacks and watch Spongebob, but apparently you don't like him."

"Greatest idea ever," I say, and we dramatically high five.



<<time skip brought to you by dirty dan>>

Bo and I screamed the whole theme song on our way to the store, occasionally getting rude glances. We got to the store, and Bo instantly walked to the Oreo section. "We have to get one of all of them," he says in amazement looking at all the flavors, and I giggle at his childishness. We narrow it down to three flavors, and also buy chocolate, three different types of chips, and pringles. Greatest combination ever.

<<time skip brought to you the number 74>>

We sit on Bo's couch with the snacks out in front of us, and he instantly goes for the pringles. He rips the 'flavor seal' off, shoves his hand into the can and pulls out three chips. "Hey, I got some," he says happily, and puts one chip into his mouth. I grab the can from his hand giggling, and take a few chips for myself. I turn on the TV, and coincidentally, Spongebob was on. I cuddle up next to Bo, and we watch Spongebob for a couple hours.

<<time skip brought to you by mayonnaise the instrument>>

"Hey Bo, you know that's funnier than 24?"


"25!" I scream, and laugh very intensely. He laughs at me, and knocks over the Pringle can.

"No!" He yells, and I laugh at him.

"What have you done?! I have to remove a star now!" I say, pretending to be mad, and he fake cries.

"I'm a good noodle! I'm a good noodle!" He cries, and we laugh.

We watch a few more episodes, and eventually we turn off the TV. "Who knew a talking sponge would be so entertaining?" I say, and Bo starts to chuckle to himself. He eventually bursts out laughing, and I raise an eyebrow at him. "You alright over there?"

"I can just imagine, putting eyes on a sponge, and making it jump up and down screaming, "I'M READY! I'M READY!" He says, and I laugh along with him.

I bury my face into his chest. "What have I gotten myself into with you?" I say smiling.

"I may not know, but it'll be very different." He says, and pulls me closer to him, kissing the top of my head.

"I can't wait," I say, and we fell asleep on the couch, focused on each others heartbeat and breathing. I truly can't wait to see what the future holds for us. No matter how difficult, how exciting, as long as Bo is by my side, I'm prepared. I hope he feels the same way.

Are You Happy? // Bo Burnham FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now