W-what j-jack

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Jack's pov
I held Xavier's hands as I lead him to walk in his own Mark was there cooing at Xavier for him to come here I finally let go and he walked shakily to Mark falling but quickly getting back up on his feet and went all the way to Mark and flopped on Mark putting all his weight Mark lifted him up " look at you your getting chubby ! "

--/ Mark's pov /--
Xavier toddled to me and flopped on my stomach I chuckled chica came in and sat quietly near the back door and observed Xavier he giggled and looked at Jack making grabby hands he smiled and laughed I love his laugh Jack set him down and he tried to walk on his own he almost fell but chica saved him and he walked over to me and hugged my stomach and set himself in my lap just then Jack got a phone call

--/Jack's pov/--
( Phil jack)
" Jack Jack Jack !!"
" woah calm down Phil what's the matter ? "
"D-dan's in labor !!"
" what he is you want me to go to the hospital?!"
" yes please we're at LIJ "
" okay I'll be there in two minutes how far along is he "
" 3 centimeters "
" okay be there in 2 "
" thank you so sosososo much Jack ! "
" no problem Phil "

" Mark I have to go love ya " " w-what ?" " sorry Mark I'm in a rush " I grabbed my keys and ran out the door and hopped in my car and started up the engine and drove to the hospital

--/ at LIJ/--
I asked the nurse where Mr.Howell is and she said " 213" " thank you " I ran and walked into the room seeing Phil on the left side holding Dan's hand I walked over to the other side

--/ 2 hours later /--
I saw Dan holding his new baby she had Phil's eyes and Dan's hobbit hair I took a cheeky peek and sighed I remember how I teared up as soon as I saw my beautiful baby boy but Dan and Phil were in full on tears I smiled " Jack do you want to hold her ?" " I would love to " I picked up little Angie and held her close she smiled at me

I was so happy to see Dan finally happy

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