Chica x sprinkle

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Heyyy I'm alive ?!?!! So yeah

Chica's pov

I waited at the door for Mark or Jack to come back I wanted to see sprinkle the adorable pug " chica scuse me " Jack came in with Mark and put there backpacks in the living room " c'mon chica " I heard Mark I bounced to my feet I sagged my tail , on the way to frost's house I stuck my head out the window I saw another dog who couldn't even fit in the care , Mark opened the door for me I walked out and I waited silently " hey Jack hey Mark " " hey lu-" " frost ! " " hi frost " " hey Jack " frost gave Jack a hug , she also gave Mark a hug Huata just said hello and waved , I rushed downstairs but i didn't see sprinkle I went upstairs to see the pug trying to catch a butterfly " sprinkle what are you doin ? " " nothing trying to catch this butterfly " I saw January roll her eyes then the two Saint Bernards come up and sit next to me " I think you have a crush on him " " me a crush what you talking crazy " I pushed dusty's muzzle " then why do you greet him first " " B-because were good friends " " no you like him it's okay " "s-shut up I know I do like him but I can't tell him " " it's ok if you want I could set up something maybe ask my owner if you could stay " " what do you think she'll say" " yes she's a dog person " " o-okay " I still looked at the pug he looked so ....cute

" ohhhhhhh someone likes some one " "fuck off cat " I saw a black + white ca " hey I'm just saying dog people tend to do weird things like not adopt me" " your a stray " I saw sprinkle come up and hand me a flower crown " my owner forgot it while she was doing a pastel cosplay " " o-oh thank you " " your welcome it suits you " the cat and January brung or noses together " aww" I heard Luna say " it's okay girl I'm not mad he's fixed anyways " I sighed with relief " I know " she started rubbing me in my spot were I love "who's a good girl " " I am " sprinkle came up putting his head in frost's face " wow okay Mr.cupcake " he looked at me to say ' I love my nickname ' she scratched behind his ears " I love you chica " I blushed frost giggled

So might actually come back to this story leave suggestions to what I should do like maybe dusty x rusty ? Or rust x chica ? Leave a comment below

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