Rekindel love 💔-->❤️

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Jack's pov trigger warning suicided!

I walked to the bathroom I did have a baby but what's the point , I get bullied no that Mark seems to go to school less and less and left with the baby and chica so why live his scent and Xavier's scent linger I shouldn't live my baby should have better-no I a better daddy he should live with Mark

Mark's pov

I went into Xavier's room to find him sleeping and chica beside his crib on a doggy bed , I smiled my little family my baby boy who I will raise without that cock-suckin slut

-- flashback --
" hey bun-bun why are you alone " "daddy upstairs " " really doing what" he put his hand on his arm " p-playing " " oh really what's he playing " " h-he's playing in bed " " what's he doing in bed leaving you all alone " " He's playing with a boy named Ethan he has black hair and demon eyes papa he hit me " I looked shocked " a-re you ok baby where did her hit you "
" hewer " he led my hand to the back of his head I felt he had a bump and possibly a bruise he hugged me "please papa daddy turned scawy ( scary ) " I nodded and picked him up and got frozen peas " I know papa has a new house that'll keep you safe " " he hit chica and chica was bweeding " I wanted to kill Jack " okay baby where's chica " he pointed to the doggy cage I looked at my baby's shirt that said I should have aborted " ohhh my baby boy I'm sorry papa wasn't here I was making sure everything was as it should be in the new house" I heard footsteps  seeing Jack in a pair of underwear that weren't mine his hair a mess he was splotchy and wore a shirt that read daddy's fuck toy I covered my baby's eyes " oh uh Mark I uh didn't think you were home " I looked ready to kill Jack " mhpf looks like you had ' fun ' while I was away and you were drunk " he looked at my baby I brought him closer to my chest " Jack ! Ready for round 2 " I wanted to scream he's married until I didn't see the ring on his finger " daddy took off the ring and threw it somewhere " I started crying "why Jack were married we have a baby boy who loved you and that's what you do go find someone hotter and use them then hit my baby boy and chica babe I who not have had this miracle if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here if you just stayed like the old innocent Jack " "see this is why Ethan is bitter he doesn't cry and he doesn't act like a girl and doesn't like kids " he turned his head I walked out of the kitchen and put that damn door " bye Jack hello a life without him " my baby smiled " I know your happy "

-- end of flashback --

Xavier woke up and gave me grabby hands I fed him baby food and burped him " what ya wanna do today champ " he put his finger up to his lip and then put it back down and pointed to the baseball bat in the yard " ok champ then you know what we have to do " Jack got a restraining order from me and my lil family but today was when he got to visit me , Xavier was pulling at my arm " okay okay " I was always the pitcher and I sat on my legs and pitched and he caught it " wooo " I hugged him and gave him a kiss " ok ready to go to daddy's house he nodded and put his bat down " ok let's go get dressed first

Jack's pov

I looked at the pills " but today is when I see my baby I don't want him to be traumatized by his dead daddy on the
floor and I don't want to kill this baby " I looked at my feet " what do I do ? " I
Put the pills back and sat on the couch and remembered that this was the couch that Xavier learned to walk  , I heard the door click to see Mark with Xavier is his arms and he gave me a death glare I knew that I couldn't hold my baby at all unless Xavier wanted me to .

I sighed and patted the empty seat signaling to sit next to me , he cautiously sat down with the baby " so Jack how have been and......Ethan " I sighed and played with the ring on my finger one of my friends realized I was missing my ring and they found and gave it back " oh I see you have the ring back on " I looked on his finger and of course he's wearing the ring " oh uh yeah and me and Ethan broke up " Mark scooted closer , " i miss you Jack I want our family back together " " sorry Mr.Fishbach he can't live in the same home as you unless the baby wants him back  " I looked at my baby with a look that I only know from him I put my hand next to his " Jack " I pulled my hand back " you can't touch him remember " " oh-h I-I'm sorry " " I want da-da to be happy I forgive him " he hugged me but i couldn't hug back , it kills me cause he looks at me when he's playing and I shake my head only
Mark can come skin on skin contact because that the law " p-please l-let me at least hug him " " no " I pleaded " please I miss him " he scoffed " you miss him he just hugged you " I cried "please I fucking miss him just look at my wrists for fuck sake I hated Ethan he never treated me like Mark did " he didn't react " I'm going upstairs " I stomped away I only wanted to hug my baby and give him a kiss so I can show him I feel terrible for putting my hands on him in a terrible manner , I cried "my baby oh my baby " I grabbed my phone and wallet " I'm going out " I said as I went out the door " something's you can't tell your sister cause she still to young " I walked up to the (ok if you don't believe in abortion skip this part ) abortion clinic " hi " I waved and sat down " hey come here " I walked up to the desk " it's okay " " I miss my baby " she looked at me so sad and patted my head " my name is Signe " I shook her hand and looked at my belly " something you can't tell your  sister cause she still to young. " she looked at me it felt wrong here " Jack " I walked through the doors " ok I wanna do a ultrasound " I nodded she put the gel in and I saw my baby for the last time , " do you want a picture? " I nodded ,

--. Time skip .--

I walked out of the clinic and when I got back home I walked upstairs and saw Mark laying in my bed with Xavier by his side go on hug both of the it well at least your baby i walked up to my baby he hugged me and I hugged back "da-da are you ok ? ". I nodded at my 3 year old  " da-da is perfect I miss you " I heard a painful knocking at the door but ignored it as I cuddled my baby and kissed his head every now and again "Jack ! " I kissed my special boys heads then unlocked the door and cuddled up Mark and Xavier with Xavier as the littlest spoon and Mark being the biggest spoon " I miss doing this " I nodded " Jack get up and come here " I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around my baby , until I was prided away from Mark and Xavier and brought roughly to my feet " what does the law say " I sobbed " i-I c-ca-nt " I was slapped " don't stutter " " I CANT TOUCH MY BABY UNLESS HE WANTS ME TO " I screamed " don't you dare scream at the law " I wanted to hurt him inflict every inch every drop of pain he gave me I rolled up my sleeves " look " I showed him my wrists and he roughly brought my arms down  and held Xavier who looked at me and wanted me to hold him " da-da , da-da " " No da-da can not touch you " he cried " DADDY PWEASE I MISS HIM " " oh baby please I need to hold him " " fine but only for a few minutes " he handed me my son " Da-da were. you crying " he wiped my tears " da-da why that man so mean " " times up " " n-no" I turned my back on him and held my baby looking into his eye and kissed him " I'm sorry baby " he hugged me back " it's okay Da-da I love you " the lawyer ripped him out of my grip and sent me to bed " no " " what did you say to me " " no take me away lock me in jail I don't care any more " I put my hands behind my back " look I'm not gonna arrest you " " ok if you won't do it then I'll " I walked to my bathroom looked at the pills and swallowed them whole bottle " bye baby " finally I can hold my baby and kiss Mark in peace without the law bothering me

-- Mark's pov --

I heard a thump " Jack OH MY GOD NO PLEASE JACK PLEASE SEAN PLEASE I NEED YOU PLEASE I LOVE YOU I CANT LOSE YOU " I dialed 911 " yes hello hi m-my husband just tried commuting suicided " " yes " " thank you " .

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