R.I.P little pug

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Frost's pov
I ran to Jack and Mark's house I couldn't believe what was going on my brain wouldn't I started to cry not caring that my makeup was running and I had left my wife startled and frozen with disbelief I made it to their house and knocked on the door wiping my eyes I saw  little Xavier behind Mark " frost what wrong you ok ?! " I choked on my sobs .

" s-sp-spr-sprin-kle is dy-dyi-ing " Mark hugged me letting g me cry on his shoulder " N-nothing x-Xavier " I ( I could see the look on his face ) couldn't tell a lil baby that one of his favorite dogs was dying of cancer I saw Jack he ran up and hugged me " frost honey what's wrong " " S-sprinkle is dy-dying of c-cancer "  I saw Jack and Mark tear up they let me in I sat on there couch chica had her head in my lap to comfort me and Xavier wiping my running makeup I thanked him and he hugged me giving a kiss on my cheek Jack and Mark sat on the couch giving me coffee " so frost sprinkle is I don't even want to say it but he's dying form c-cancer " Jack said I swallowed tears that brimmed my eyes I nodded my head gently Jack hugged me " frost can we go to your house I want to see sprinkle " " of course except I ran here " " we'll take my car " I wiped my tears for the 100th time today

----/ @ frost's house/-----
I opened the door to be met by a energy less pug that tried to welcome me with a tongue sticking out but I picked him up nuzzling me nose into his fur Xavier wanted to pet  him I held him and let him Jack and Mark patted him just then I heard a little squeak of a ........... l-last b-breath I broke down sobbing Jack and Mark started crying I hugged the pug tight we saw Xavier go to his toy box and pick out a raccoon toy that was his favorite.

He made the pug go on  the floor and the pug was dead but he put the toy by his mouth and inched it closer sprinkle usually played dead and when his toy was around he would go for it we heard a few howls and I saw my three other dogs howling , we went to his favorite place in the garden and buried him with a little rip sign with a cross "I- uh-ummm" " you parents will tell you "

--/ Mark's pov and and at Mark's house/--
We explained death to Xavier he started crying saying why do animals and people die ?!?!?! We all hugged him we couldn't stand to see him so sad we said he's in a better place and he said " weally?" " yes he is " he wiped his face and hugged chica smiling " dika never eber ( ever) weave ( leave ) me pwease ( please ) "

Awwwwwwwwwww poor little pug and I would love love love if someone made fan art of them leaning over sprinkle's grave and crying I know wow  but I'd like it because I can't draw for shit stained mushrooms

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