Chapter 1

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Early in the morning, Holi awake to ready herself for school. After finishing in the bathroom in  her room, she opened the door and entered back into her room where she did eyeliner and lipstick. That was the most make up she would ever put on, if any, unless there was a special event.

She Quietly slipped down stairs, knowing her father already left but her mother was sleeping soundly in their bed. Holi quickly got herself an apple and left the house through the backdoor to not wake her mother from the loud and heavy frontdoor. Holi started down the sidewalk after making her way around through her backyard. It was strange but she swore she could feel someone watching her as she walked to school about a mile and a half from her house. Brushing off the feeling, knowing they were in a really good neighborhood and she practically knew everyone in this part of town simply because of her walks from and to school. She put her headphones in and listened to some Fall Out Boy as she sped up her pace to get to school.

Arriving, she went to her locker and gathered what she needed for only her first three classes, after of which she had lunch and could switch out what she needed for her remaining classes. She got to her first class early, the first student in fact. She sat in the second row back and in the middle column. She always paid great attention in class, taking all the notes even if it was something she didn't need to write down, she did it just incase.

She decided now was a good time to quickly eat her apple, which she finished just in time before others started arriving. She threw the apple away and went back to her seat, waiting patiently. As the other students come in, they greeted Holi happily.

Holi may have been, at least, a year younger than everyone in her year, more on the richer side, and a straight A student, but she was still fairly popular. Actually almost everyone in the school knew of her.

Holi was kind to everyone, but she'd give it to ya straight if she felt you needed it. She was sweet and loveable which attracted many friend. But she was also strong, smart, and independent which kept people, who may have meant her harm, in check.

Joy walked in, hyper and excited as usual. "OH MY GOD! Holi. You won't believe what just happened. To me!" She smirked and flipped her hair as if she were some kind of badass. Holi chuckled, Joy was her best friend since they were six. They used to live right next to each other but then Holi had to move. Thank god it was just a few blocks away.

"What is it this time Joybox." Holi giggle at the name she gave her friend for when she was just too overly excited. Joy simply scoffed and smirked slightly with her hands on Holi's desk, steadying her as she leans over to talk to her best friend.

"Oh hush up with that nickname bullshit. Anyway! There's these two new guys, both are pretty tall, like super tall, and gorgeous! I know I don't normally go for Asian guys but DAMN they fine. Anyway, I'm like, super excited because I walked past them and they looked and the tallest one with red hair, did I tell you he had red hair? Like oh my god. But he looked at me and gave that crooked smirk, you know, like the emoji?" She finally finished her rambling, so excited that the whole explanation seemed like a singular sentence. Holi simply nodded and smiled brightly, others may have found Joy's rambling annoying but Holi enjoyed it, knowing that Joy only opened up that freely with Holi.

"That sounds really interesting. I'm glad you had such an exciting morning, now sit down before you get detention again." Holi chuckled and lightly pushed the latter into her seat that was right next to Holi's.

After their third class, the two girls walked out together and went to Holi's locker before going to lunch. Joy never brought her books, or anything other than herself, to school anyway, so what was the point in going to Joy's locker that she probably never even opened in the first place. As joy set her books in her locker and got what she needed for her last two classes, Joy gasped and hit Holi's arm. Holi grabbed her arm with furrowed brows and a soft 'ow.' She clicks her tongue and hits Joy back. Joy scouls and points.

"It's the boys I was talking about before!" Holi looked and inspected the two from a distance as they made their way out of the building. They did seem like Joy's type, just.. Asian. Holi looked back to Joy with a smile and pat her on the head.

"Good for you." She said short and sweet before closing her locker and starting to walk away. She chuckled as she heard Joy behind her.

"Cut it out with that sarcasm crap!" Joy ran up behind Holi and fake tackled her. The two only laughed more as they made their way to the lunchroom.

After school, the two girls walked back to Holi's house to hang out, knowing no one would be home, as usual. The two laughed and joked their whole way home, both occasionally stopping to greet the people of the neighborhood. When they finally reached Holi's house and entered, Holi walked to the kitchen and set her bag by the island inside as she got the two a snack and drinks. On the other hand, Joy dropped her bag immediately and tossed a leg over the back of the couch before rolling into its seats with a groan.

"Oh god~ Home sweet home~!" Joy cries out, making Holi chuckle from the kitchen.

"Uhm.. This is my home?" She laughs as she walks to Joy and hands her one of the drinks. Joy sits up and takes the drink as she grumbles something about 'we're basically family, this is basically my house too..' Joy over exaggerates a pout. Holi shakes her head and walks around to plop herself down and turns on the large flat screen tv in the corner of the living room. Joy chuckles and looks up, her peripheral catching a grey form pull out of the driveway of her neighbor's home.

"You got neighbors? Since when?" Joy looks out the window before turning her head to Holi.

"Oh, just yesterday." She speaks as if it's nothing, causing Joy to scoff and hit her bestfriend. Holi just laughs and holds her arm.

"And you didn't tell me!!?!" Joy shouts before sighing. "Some friend you are." She laughs lightly and nudges Holi before Holi gets up and checks the whole pan of pizza rolls she put in the oven.

After the snack is finished cooking, the two make their way up to Holi's room. They sit on her bed, in the crosshairs of the two large windows that fill Holi's large room with natural light. One of the large windows faced the front yard, the other faced the house next door where the new people moved in. The girls spent the rest of the night talking, playing games and watching movies; well, and of course, eating dinner some time between then. Yet again, unknown eyes watched Holi from next door slyly from the window that looked into hers.

💠Finally! Chapter one. These first few chapters will be introducing characters so it'll be a bit of a slow start. However, what do you guys think of Joy? Joy is also the picture at the top. I think Joy is all of us in one way or the other. XD and I love Joy and Holi's friendship. XD I'm thinking after all the characters are introduced, I will allow a Q&A for any character that had dialogue so far. I think I'll do that a few times throughout just bc it seems like fun.💠

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