Chapter 3

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Holi sipped nervously on the tea Jieun made as she sat between Chanyeol and Yoongi. Their mother sat in a chair across from them. "I am so glad you are all already friends." Jieun spoke in a loving tone with a bright smile. Chanyeol smirked and stared at Holi the whole while, which she took high notice of. As if to coax her further, Yoongi set his hand on her knee with a dark look in his eyes. Holi looked over to the raven haired male with slightly wide eyes before gulping and smiling to Jieun.

"Oh.. yes~ m-me too Mrs. Park."

"Aw, dear, you don't have to be so formal with me. You can just call me Jieun. I hope that, in time, you'll call me mom~" She squealed with happiness at the thought. Holli chuckled before stiffening at Yoongi's tighter grasp on her knee. She looked over to the raven haired male and gave a shaky and forced smile. Yoongi only smirked in return, making Holi look down to her tea as she sipped some more before hearing Jieun. "Oh dear~ but which of my sons would be best suited to marry you." Jieun pouted as she looked between her sons, each of the boys showing their best and sweetest smiles to their mother.

"O-oh... I-I think we're a bit young to start thinking about that." Holi gave a nervous chuckle. "U-uhm.. I think I should head back.. I have to clean and cook." Holi stood and carefully placed the cup down. "Thank you so much for the tea and your company." Jieun stood and walked with Holi to the front door.

"That's okay dear, you're welcome here any time~" she hollered with a coo and a wave of her hand. After she closed the door she went to pick up the dirtied dishes left by Holi and herself. "You boys treat that girl good. I wouldn't let a catch like her slip away."

Yoongi smiled and Chanyeol chuckled. "We think the same umma." Chanyeol spoke and gave a sweet smile up to his mother.

Once Holi got home, she shut the door and slid down the wooden slab on hinges. She took a deep breath, heart racing with some kind of terror. She ran her shaking hands through her hair as she closes her eyes and thinks. "What am I going to do? They know where I live, and what's worse is it's right next to them." She internalized and she gave a mental scream for help.

Finally she stood up and went to the kitchen to get a cold glass of water to attempt to ease her heart and mind. She slowly takes a drink. "I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU LEFT ME!" Joy shouted as she slammed the heavy front door, causing Holi to spit out the water in her mouth from surprise.

"Are you crazy?!!?!" Holi yelled in retaliation. "You can't just come in someone's home and yell like that and slam the door!!!" She put the glass in the sink and sighed before getting a rag to clean up. Joy crossed her arms and scowled before loosening and looking over Holi.

"Wait.. are you okay? ....You don't ever get mad.. Or yell. Did.. something happen?" Joy suddenly looked worried and felt guilty for not realizing earlier. She sat at a stool at the island counter and waited for Holi's reply.

"I just..." She sighed and looked seriously to Joy. "Those new boys we saw the other day?" She spoke in a questioning matter as if to ask Joy if she remembered them. Joy nodded with a clueless look, not sure where Holi could be going with this. "Stay away from them.. They're trouble and I don't want you to end up hurt...."

"What do you mean? How could you know that?" Joy Furrowed her brows and rested her cheek in her hand as if she didn't really believe the latter female.

"Remember when VP Brinkston asked for my help today? Well.. I have to help them, they are foreign transfer students and bad news. Just.. Please? Trust me?" Holi begged Joy to which she nodded with a surprised look. Something must have really shaken Holi up if she was acting this way.

After a few hours of holi vigorously cleaning all around the house, she started dinner as Joy sat in her room and played games on her phone. Holi sat on the couch downstairs and watched T.V. as she cooked. She finally got back to normal and felt at ease, forgetting today's events. Next thing, her Father, Christian walked in. "Something smells good." He spoke as he closed the front door gently. Holi turned and smiled.

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