Chapter 8

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"But we always made it out alright, huh?" Joy spoke with a smile as Holi nodded at the female's statement. "Man, we were just crazy back then." Joy chuckled, causing the latter female to do the same. Jimin shook his head and sighed at the girls as all three got up to leave.

They tossed their trash and went off on their way back to Holi's house to drop off all they got. After Leaving from Holi's house, they walked to one of their old hangouts. On the way, Holi began kicking a can in which the other two joined in soon after, laughing and playing together.

Soon they reached an old walking bridge that no one used anymore since they built a bridge not too far that allowed for people to drive across and walk on secure paths on the sides. Back when Jimin was the last to enter their small group, they made a little hangout on the narrow walking bridge.

Joy gasped as she crouched and grazed her fingers on the cement walls. "Our gang name is still here! Oh my god!" Joy smiled wide and happily at all the memories. Jimin and Holi stood behind the female with arms crossed.

"Now that I look back on it.. Maybe 'Suicide Pandas' wasn't exactly a good gang name..." Holi thought while cringing. Joy jumped to her feet and turned to the slightly older female with an upset frown.

"Are you kidding!?" Joy fumed. "It's totally badass and unexpected! The coolest of the cool! Get with it Hols." Joy whips her hair in Holi's face as Holi instinctively closed her eyes and turned her face away. She wishes she hadn't however, since that was when she noticed two, all too familiar, males.
"Are you serious?" She mumbles but her voice doesn't escape the ears of Jimin as he looks where Holi does, his smile instantly dropping as those assholes from AP Chem made their way to the three of them.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Jimin grumbles with a slight growl as they finally arrive.

"So, best friend-" Chanyeol points to Joy with a soft smirk before turning his finger to jimin and showing  disinterest, if not disgust. "Boyfriend?" Holi rolls her eye and sighs.

"What about it? What if he was?" She soon regretted her words or any sort of boldness since this visually upset both the males. Chanyeol leaned in close to her ear, Holi frozen in a sort of fear. He whispered and cupped her ear so no one else could hear, though he maintained the intense stare between him and Jimin.

"If he was, I'd have to torture him and cut off his dick so he can't get near you or ever give you what you want." He pulls back and looks down to Holi with a satisfied smirk while she looks up with fear in her eyes. Soon she shakes it off to keep away any suspicions and sighs as she walks over by their graffiti on the concrete. Jimin keeps a glare focused on the eldest male while Joy crouches next to Holi.

Still, eyes watched at a distance, unnoticed and unknown.

With caution, the three played nicely with the brothers, more Holi than the other two. Jimin, the only one of the five out of the loop, watched the brothers closely. Holi was dear to Jimin. He lost her once, he won't allow a second time. Holi and Joy explained a lot about their rebellious past that correlated with each of the pieces of graffiti on the cement. Yoongi stood in the back, watching and listening to the stories with vague interest.

"Why do you want her?" Jimin stood next to Yoongi and spoke with a sternness. Yoongi slightly shakes himself out of whatever daze he was in and smirks at the ever growing confidence in the orange haired male.

"Me?" He chuckled lowly in his throat, making Jimin narrow his eyes at the latter as his brow twitches in a subtle irritation. Yoongi kept a smirk as he stood, quietly conversing with the other male. "Isn't it obvious?" Yoongi's eyes became world's darker with sinister intent that burned holes into Jimin's soul upon locking eyes. Jimin instantly froze with an unnoticeable chill running down his spine. "She's perfect." Yoongi smirked as he slowly looked back to the others, breaking Jimin from his spell.

Jimin mentally cursed himself for being so weak to be immobilized by a stare. He grit his teeth and furrowed his brows before turning back to everyone just in time for joy to jump up with a bright smile and a loud, cheerful voice. "Let's go get stuff to set up the old base again!!!" Holi giggled and nodded before standing and giving a shout of agreement. Before the two females hugged each other tight. Jimin stood with a blank face with wide, blinking eyes before he smiled and chuckled at the two, nodding and join in the conversation.

"Should we go shopping again or should we scavenge our houses?" Jimin began as he pointed down the road the way they came.

"Hmm... What should we even do? I mean.. Last time a big cardboard box was plenty big enough as HQ... But... we've grown a lot... and those two," Holi points to Chanyeol and Yoongi who were the tallest out of the five. "...definitely won't fit... I mean, Jimin's an original member so he'd take up most of the space, even then, I don't think me and Joy would fit.."

"Mm... She's right.." Jimin agreed as he placed a thumb on the bottom of his chin and the side of his index finger, lazily curled with the rest of his fist, horizontally across his plump lips whilst another arm was placed under that one to run across his chest and balance the first. He thought about all they could do but still drew a blank. "For now, why don't we freshen up these tags?" Jimin grinned as he spoke of the spray painting all along the walking bridge. Both the girls agreed and they all decided on going to the antique styled arts and crafts store.

Walking down to the store, still they remained unaware of the dangerous eyes that kept careful watch; eyes that focused on a certain female as the person followed the group at a safe distance all the way to the art and crafts store.

As they entered the crafts store, they immediately took a look around. It was the only place in the whole town that sold actual art and craft things. Anywhere from canvas, to hot glue and a hot glue gun, to paint palettes and brushes, to just about anything else you could think of. The store was run by a nice man who was really laid back and super cool. His name was Danniel "String God" Valentine.

Dangerous, but unnoticed, those dark eyes entered the store and calmly roamed as if the person was just another customer. To everyone else, they were, but no one knew what those eyes hid.

The group of five walked into the store and looked for spray paint. "Holi?!" an almost familiar voice rang in a lovely melodic tone. "It is you!"

💠FINALLY!!!! I've finally finished the three chapters for Yoongi's birthday special. However, we missed Joy's Birthday which was the 3rd. Sad day. Happy 17th birthday Joy!!! Sorry JaeJae missed it- ('༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ')💠

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