Chapter 6

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The three friends, Holi, Joy, and Jimin, sat at Holi's house just mindlessly chatting and catching up after being reunited after some 3 ½ to 4 years.

"Yeah.... I really miss him." Joy explained after they calmed from their laughing fit.

"I miss him too." Jimin spoke next, to which Holi agreed with a nod. Shortly after, Jimin lightly slapped his hands down on his knees and huffed. "So what do you guys want to do?" He smiled while looking at the two girls who looked at each other for a moment before smiling and looking to Jimin. Jimin, suddenly regretting his question, made himself smaller between the two women.

Holi and Joy giggled as they put makeup on a tied up Jimin they had tied to a chair at the base of holi's bed with her bedsheets. He had stopped whining and struggling shortly after he was tied up, realizing it was futile. Holi did jimin's makeup as Joy painted his nails a beautiful chrome purple. Though he hated getting makeup put on him, it was always like this when the girls got bored. Even when they were young. It was nostalgic, making him, though he hated to admit it, enjoy the girls doll him up and make him one of them.

Holi got completely engrossed in what she was doing, so much so that when Joy finished painting his nails, Holi sat on the male's lap, straddling him and doing rather professional makeup;though feminine.

Jimin blushed and tensed at the warmth of the female on his lap. He watched her with red cheeks, looking her up and down the whole while. Unbeknownst to them, a pair of eyes watched only for a short moment.

"H-Holi? Are you almost done?" Jimin asked with hesitance, not sure if he wanted Holi off or not. Holi didn't even give a real answer, her brows furrowed in concentration as her perfect, soft lips remained slightly parted.

"Uh." Joy just smirked as she stood back and watched the two in their closeness. This was the most entertaining thing in weeks to Joy. In all actuality, she just wanted to smash their faces together but they would both beat her up, it's not worth it.

"WHAT THE HELL? They are still at it?! How long has she been touching him and-"

"OH WHAT THE FUCK???!??!!!! SHE'S ON HIS LAP???!?!!" Yoongi and Chanyeol shouted as they finally got back to their room after going to get dinner. They had just went out to go pick up dinner and came up to put their jackets and shoes away. To their displeasure, Holi was now, instead of just in Jimin's face and within kissing distance, was now on his moTHER FUCKING LAP. Chanyeol simply stormed out of their shared room as Yoongi growled even more when their mother called them down to dinner.

Holi smiled and leaned back on Jimin's lap before getting up with a cheery grin. "All done~!" She sang, happy with her masterpiece. Jimin cleared his throat and repositioned himself. Joy accidentally let a snicker slip past her lips. Jimin then glared.

"Oh shut it- Can we get these sheets off now?" Jimin asked with a slight bitter streak in his tone. Joy put her hands up in defense as Holi started untying the male.

"Hey, you actually look great okay? Prettier than all of us." Joy affirmed as she nodded repeatedly until Jimin stood. He walks over to Holi's vanity and looks in the mirror, his jaw dropping before the heavy front door is heard closing. Holi and Joy squealed and ran downstairs, meeting Christian, Holi's father. Both leaving Jimin behind. He looked in the mirror and grumbled before rushing down after them.

"Dad! I thought you had the day off-." Holi started as Joy stayed silent behind her.

"I did. I, uhm, ran some errands." Christian held up the groceries before setting them on the counter, turning to smile back at the girls only to stop and furrow his brows and adjust his glasses. "Oh... uh, Jimin, wow.. I- uhm... guess a lot changed since you've been gone." Christian commented about the male-up.

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