Chapter 4

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Yoongi's breath ghosted on Holi's ear, sending a subtle shiver down her back. He held her wrists, pulling them above her head. She struggled a bit to get away, but quickly found that the more she struggled, the tighter his grip became. She turned her face away when she felt his nose graze her jaw. He smirked and bit down and sucked hard on her neck before pulling back up to her ear. "I'm taking it easy on you this time.. next time, you will barely make it out alive." He growled lowly, Chanyeol opening the pantry door and clearing his throat.

"Making sneaky moves lil'bro?" Yoongi pulled away with a 'tch' as he looked back to Chanyeol. Holli would never believe it, but she was so happy to see Chanyeol at this point in time. She ran away from Yoongi and gratefully hugged the man, forgetting exactly who she was showing her appreciation to. He smirked and leaned down, playing with a strand of Holi's hair. "You're lucky we're playing a game little miss..." He spoke in a threatening voice, causing Holi to take in a sharp breath, retracting from the other and looking up to the male in horror before running away and back upstairs to sit on the couch in the living room.

Yoongi and Chanyeol watched Holi leave before turning and smirking to each other. Yoongi came up the basement stairs first, followed by the older male. Chanyeol decided to go upstairs to look for Joy as Yoongi sat at the other end of the couch, acting as if nothing happened at all. Joy had snuck upstairs from a close call earlier.

Holi would occasionally look over to Yoongi out of nervousness, wondering when he'd make his next move. She gasped and jumped when Joy wrapped her arms around Holi. "Gotchyaaa~!" She sang and Holi sighed before chuckling and pushing Joy's face back. The two had a laughing fit while the boys watched. Eventually they quieted down and Yoongi was picked as the next seeker. Holi quietly went upstairs and snuck into the upstairs hall closet. Soon after the door slowly opened and Chanyeol peeked in.

"No. Uh-uh. Not again." She pushed her way out and pass Chanyeol. He grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Holi hissed in the stinging pain on her scalp as she grabbed his arm.

"I'm not going through that again!" She spoke in a yelling or scolding tone though she remained quiet. She bite Chanyeol's hand and he let go and held his hand as he followed her to the stairs. "Keep my hiding spot... I'm going down-" She was cut off by a firm hand that pushed on her back. It wasn't all too forceful, just enough to throw Holi off her balance. Chanyeol went back up the stairs and waited at the top as Joy came to Holi's side and asked if she was okay. Chanyeol peeked down as if he saw everything for the first time.

"What happened?! Is everything okay?" Joy shrugged and helped Holi sit up with a worried expression. Holi glanced to Chanyeol who gave a deadly glare and slightly shook his head. Holi looked back to Joy and smiled a bit.

"I'm okay. I-I think I tripped down the stairs."

"Think? Hun, I think it's safe to say you /did/ trip down the stairs." Joy chuckled a bit, trying to lighten the situation. Holi gave a small chuckle as Joy furrowed her brows and touch a mark on Holi's neck. "What's this??"

"Huh?" Holi furrowed her brows back in confusion. Joy got her phone out and showed Holi on the front cam. "Oh gosh.. I must have hit it on the railing or something.." Holi covered and gave the phone back to Joy.

"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah it wasn't too serious. I think I'll be fine after this round." Holi chuckled and got up, moving to the couch to rest. Joy nodded and stood.

"Well, it shouldn't be too long since I found Chan-" she was cut off as she went to lazily point up the stairs, but when she looked, he was already long gone. "WHAT?! What the fuck?!" Joy groaned and went upstairs. Holi remained downstairs and chuckled at Joy's reaction. Yoongi slipped into view from the darkness of the kitchen. He watched the female silently. Holi gasped softly and flinched as the latter stepped closer. He stopped and looked to the stairs, silently running back away to his hiding spot when her heard Joy and Chanyeol.

Holi furrowed her brows and pondered. She was sure he'd hurt her further, but the expression on his face... she couldn't figure it out. She looked back to the fighting Chanyeol and Joy, Joy upset that the other kept slipping away and avoid being caught, meanwhile Chanyeol defended saying that that was the point of the game: to not get caught.

Holi couldn't help but hysterically laugh at the pointless fight. The two turned their attention to her and Chanyeol couldn't help but feel the absurdly hard and fast pumping in his chest. It made him uncomfortable and he was unsure if he hated it or not.

After Yoongi was found they all just settled down and watched a movie, agreeing that it'd be best for no one else to get hurt. Yoongi and Chanyeol agreed so no suspicions would arise. Yoongi sat on Holi's right, Joy to her left, and Chanyeol on the floor in front since Holi picked up her legs and curled up with a pillow and Joy curled up to Holi. By the end of the movie, Holi and Joy fell asleep. Joy went down first and Holi followed soon after, slowly leaning into Yoongi as she slept. He tried not to mind and finished the movie. Once it was done. Chanyeol looked back and saw the girls asleep, getting them a blanket as Yoongi set a pillow under Holi's head. The two boys quietly slipped out the back and hopped the fence.

Not but an 2 hours later, Christian came home and shook his head with a smile as he saw his two girls asleep on the couch. He considered Joy one of his own anyway. He turned off the t.v. and carried the girls one by one back to Holi's bed before fixing up downstairs. He went and took a shower, changing into some comfy clothes before he went down into his office on the main floor.

He entered his office and did a bunch of normal work and paid his bills. He filed all the other papers away and sat back at his desk, sighing and dragging his hands down his face before he furiously ran them through his hair. He finally sat up in his chair and unlocked the bottom drawer of his desk. There were family photos and a small rectangular box that had a lock on it. Under that, he pulled out papers that were stapled together, the last one requiring hit signature and already had his wife's. He looked of those papers for the 20th time that week and sighed.

💠OOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! WHAT IS THIS? WE FINALLY GET TO SEE THINGS REALLY DEVELOP! How PUMPED are you guys?! Also, Holi's mom will be shown soon! Also, I haven't gotten any questions at all........ idk if you guys just aren't interested or if y'all stopped reading or if y'all were busy... but I might postpone the Q&A and just continue for now... I really wanted to give a character Q&A to provide more interactivity between the characters and you guys, the readers, but it seems that no one cares.. :'( sad day. I did work hard on this story so I hope it's good. I want you guys to really get interested like how you were in the beginning.

Anyway!!! *MUST READ THIS IF ANYTHING* the photo at the top is the second floor but change the bathroom to the hall closet and make it shorter to like, the back of the stairs. I'll fix it in a little bit.💠

Brothers; A Multifandom FanFicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora