Chapter 1

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Here begins the encounter of a former K-Pop fan who went abroad to live out her current dream.

It all began on a Sunday morning as she ran out of her apartment.

A stranger standing in front of her neighbor's door was looking at the address written on a slip of paper, contemplating whether or not this was the right place.

In the rush of the moment she accidentally bumped into him...

"Oh, I'm sorry." she said and instinctively bowed 90 degrees. Looking up, she recognized the figure standing before her.

"Oh. Min Yoon Gi?  Hello! I was a big fan when I was younger! Oppa, fighting! You can do it!" She continued to cheer him on as the man blankly stared at the strange woman who rambled on.

"Whenever you are down, just remember that there are fans out there that support you for who you are. Although I can't call myself a fan anymore, I love giving advice, so stop by if you ever need a good pep talk!" She smiled with moon shut eyes as she turned for the stairs, slightly stumbling on her own two feet. She was running late for Sunday service.

'What a strange woman,' he thought. 'Advice? What was she mumbling about?"

(A few weeks later on a Thursday night)

A light knocking sound continued to come from the door as she headed over to check who it was.

"Who is it?" She checked the peephole to see a slender man standing in front of the door with a black face mask on.

'Is that Min Yoon Gi?' She thought to herself as she cracked the door open making sure the chain lock was still in place.

'No way it can't be' she continued to think.  She grabbed her katana that was next to the fridge and had it ready just in case. As she peered through the door that was a jar, her eyes widened as her thoughts were confirmed.

"Oppa?! What are you doing here?" She said as she removed the chain that was bolting the door from opening further but, only after quickly putting the katana back in its place before he saw it.

Once the door was opened, Yoon Gi stepped in taking his shoes off.

"You said I can come whenever I needed a pep talk. Don't you remember?" She stood dumbfounded at the thought that her rambling offer was actually being cashed in.

It's not that she wasn't sincere when she said it; it's just that she never though he of all people would actually show up.

"Men shoes? You have a boyfriend?" he looked up at you in question after he discovered a pair of men shoes by the door.

"Oh this? Ummm no. I order take out a lot and half the time it's a guy who delivers it so... I put out a pair of my friends shoes so it looks like I'm not alone..."

He laughed loudly. "You're pretty smart" he remarked.

He stood near the doorway staring into the small apartment, analyzing the simple yet efficiently decorated kitchen and living room.

"I'm sorry I don't have much to offer...would you like some water?"

"Sure. I can sit there right?" he said as he pointed to the couch near the coffee table.

"Uh, yeah make yourself comfortable..."  He quickly waked over. She didn't have to tell him twice.

As she approached the coffee table she sat on the floor across from him setting the glass of water on the table.

"But In all seriousness, why are you here? How can you just show up to a stranger's home? For all you know I could be a sasaeng."

He glared at her saying, "But you aren't a sasaeng, or are you?"

She stared at him with a slight confusion replying, ", but still.. you should be cautious. People are dangerous you know?"

He lightly chuckled at her reply. It had only been a few minutes since their second encounter and she was already giving him more "advice."

"Thanks for the advice, it has been duly noted." He took a sip of water and sighed as they sat in silence.

"Is something bothering you?" A hint of worry was sensed from her words.

"I'm at a crossroad and I'm not exactly sure what I should do." The weight of his words fell as he stared at his fingers fidgeting with the glass of water.

"Mhm.. sounds like you are having a difficult time. I'm not sure what you are going through; most people would tell you to follow your heart in times like this, but you shouldn't. The heart is a liar. It's a deceiver. The heart must want something now, but it is subjected to change in the future. What about tomorrow, a year from now, ten years from now? Wouldn't the heart want something else? Instead of focusing on the now, think about how the choice will affect you later. Would you still be happy with your decision?"

He looked up at her ready to say something when she interrupted.

"You know, when people are torn between two things it's not because they don't know what to choose, but because they don't like the correct answer. We are torn between our desire and what is right."

He sighed with a small smile. "You sure do know what you're saying huh?"

"Of course." she smiled. "All my friends always come to me for things like this. Somehow I always know what to say." She shrugged as she yawned.

"Are you tired?" he asked.

"Yeah. It's getting late. As much as I love you, I love my sleep more so, you should leave now." She chuckled a little at her own sarcasm.

"Oh you have work tomorrow?" he asked.

"Yes, it's a weekday. Most normal people have a regular schedule unlike idols like you" she added slyly.

"Haha oh yea sorry, I didn't realize the time. Next time I will make sure to come on a weekend. I'll bring chicken and beer; it's the ultimate weapon for opening up."

"Mmm I don't drink beer or any alcohol at that, how about Cola instead?" she jokingly asked not thinking he was serious.

"You don't drink? Really? Why?" he wondered since everyone drinks here in Korea.

"Religious reasons." She replied.

He stood thinking for a moment and slightly smiled. "Cool. Cola It is."

As he opened the door to leave, he looked back at her. "Oh yeah, I don't even know your name..."

"Ohh, It's Emma."

"Emma..." He slowly repeated. "Alright, Emma. See you next time." He smiled again as he closed the door, put his hoodie on and walked away.

She stood staring at the closed door in disbelief of the encounter that had just occurred.

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