Chapter 6

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It was now winter and some time had passed since the last time Yoon Gi had came over. He still frequently texted Emma when he had spare time, but with the end of the year closing in, BTS was preparing for their season greetings and MUSTER fan event. Although Emma was content with being able to still communicate with him on behalf of the busy schedule, part of her longed to be with him in person; and so did he. 

              |  I'm at exit 4  |          Read

              |  OK! I just got off the subway. Be there soon.  |

Emma and her friend Tai where going to go to Itaewon to shop at the international market. He was craving some Vietnamese food and she some Mexican food. It had been a while since she had gone back home and she wanted some tamales so bad, especially with the holidays coming up. 

"UGH! It's so dang cold!" Tai said when he finally arrived.

"I know. We should hurry up so we can grab some kimchi jjigae to warm up!"

Emma and Tai made it into the international market and looked around for the ingredients they were looking for. It was a small store but, they had a wide variety of things. 

"So, how has it gone with that guy you told me about last time?" He asked as they continued looking around.

"Oh, umm we've been talking here and there."

"JUST talking? You haven't gone out on a date or met up??"

She remained silent.

"Come on Emma! How can you let someone slide away like that?"

"It's complicated. He is really busy." 

"Psh. Busy, right." He said as he rolled his eyes. "You probably bored him to death. If he hasn't asked you out on a date yet, then he already friend zoned you."

"Busy." He repeated. "What a lame excuse. It's not like he is an idol or something." He said under his breathe. 

'Oh the humor.' she thought.

"Or maybe he is gay, like that Tinder guy you met up with a few years ago." He said laughing slightly.

"He is not gay." Emma quickly interjected. "He is just..reserved.." She thought about what she said. Reserved wouldn't be the right word for describing Yoon Gi considering how he candidly showed up at her doorstep the first time. But, considering how she hasn't seen or spoken to him much lately, it seemed like a proper description at the time. 

"Tell you what. Why don't you come meet some of my friends this weekend. There is someone i want to introduce you to."

"I don't know Tai... You know I don't like the party type."

"No, no, no. He isn't the party type. I met him at the dance studio and he is a great guy. Trust me on this. "

Emma gave it some thought. Her feelings for Min Yoon Gi naturally grew but, she wasn't sure what she was to him. The late night texts he would send here were sweet at times but, she couldn't help but to continue to be cautious with her feelings. He is an idol, and probably just wants someone to play with. These were the thoughts she constantly wrestled with and she wished she could have someone to talk about it with. Yeah, Tai is one of her best friends but, he also has a big mouth. And the last thing she wanted was for rumors to spread about Min Yoon Gi.

"Okay. I will go with you this weekend. I need some fresh air." She finally said with a small smile.

"YASSS. You won't regret it!" He said.

By the time they had finished shopping and grabbing an early dinner, the sun had gone down. They parted ways and Emma headed for the bus stop, taking her phone out to see when the next stop would be coming. 

"Crap. My phone died." She said as she wondered how long it had been since it died.

She waited a few minutes but the bus was not coming. It had been more than eight minutes, which was the normal wait time for that bus stop, when she decided to just walk. It wasn't that far to her apartment. Besides, It was to cold to be standing.

When she finally arrived at her floor she saw someone standing by her door. There was a man leaning against the wall slightly hunched over. Emma cautiously approached him while carrying the groceries when she saw that it was Min Yoon Gi.

She hurriedly ran towards him.

"Oppa! What are you doing out here?" She questioned but there was no response.

She put the bags down and leaned in to take a look at his face. His eyes were half closed and sweat dripped down his temples. She could feel his body heat radiate as his breathe formed clouds of smoke due to the cold.

She quickly opened the door to let him in. He managed to take a step towards her before collapsing as she tried to grab a hold of him. 

Hope you are enjoying the story thus far! More to come soon :)

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