Chapter 5

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*** In order to reduce confusion, I will write sent/read on the messages depending one whose perspective the story is being told. For the first half of this chapter it will be Emma's perspective.***

Emma sprang up and unlocked her phone:

| Thanks for not stealing anything | Read

| There wasn't anything worth stealing... other than you but you barricaded the door |

He cunningly replied.

'Is he hitting on me...' she blushed. She decided to ignore the latter part of the message and ask him how his day was instead.

| I didn't think you would respond today... you must have had a busy schedule | Read

| Yeah, we had a fan meet and other         promotional events |

His replies were very casual and straight forward. It gave Emma a hard time deciding what to write next. Just when she was about to ask him about the events, he texts again:

| Why? Were you thinking of me all day? ㅋㅋ

It threw here off guard. 'How can he be so direct...' She thought. Whether he was being serious or joking around, she couldn't help but feel small butterflies at the pit of her stomach. She clutched her pillow tightly as their conversation began to flow:

| Tch. No. I'm just shocked about the whole ordeal. I mean you just gave me your number out of the blue.... I wonder what would happen if I share it on the Daum Café forum.. ㅋㅋㅋ | Read

| YA! Don't you dare! It would be a pain to have to change my number again |

| Oh?? So you have given a fan your number before?? I wonder how many times you have hit on a stranger and barged into their home (¬‿¬) | Read

| I'm speechless. Who exactly do you think I am? |

| Min Yoon Gi? (☞゚∀゚)☞ | Read

He chuckled at her response. "I see. So we have a similar sense of humor" He said out loud.

| No but in all seriousness, what do you think about me? |

| You? hmm... I think you are a wandering moth that has tracked a vast distance in search of a warm bright light. | Read

*** Min Yoon Gi's point of view. Messages marked with read/sent will be his messages for the rest of this chapter. ****

By this time, it was getting really late, and its around this time that Emma  becomes either a hyper goofy laughing machine or philosophical and sleepy. She became the latter.

| What... (. ゚ー゚) | Sent

"I'm a moth?... Is she trying to be like Rap Monster or something?" He said out loud.

"Hyung. Who are you talking to? You've been on that couch for hours now." Jimin asked.

"Huh? Oh it's nothing. Just checking some stuff." He replied casually still staring at his phone.

"You sure your'e not just texting someone? You were laughing earlier." Jimin continued to question him.

"Oh that. I was looking at videos of Jin Hyung dancing."

'Why hasn't she replied yet? It still says sent." He thought to himself as he bit the edge of his thumb.

While he kept checking his messages, he didn't see Jimin sneak up behind him.

"Oh! You are texting someone!! Who is it!? A Girl!? Jimin said as he tried to snatch the phone away from Yoon Gi.

"It's just a friend." He insisted.

"Oh? Would this happen to be the same 'friend' you spent the night at a few weeks ago??" Jimin teasingly asked with a grin on his face that made his eyes disappear.

"YA! Go away!" Yoon Gi yelled as he threw a couch pillow at him. Jimin left the living room laughing as he ran to tell Jung Kook and Tae Hyung that Min Yoon Gi had a crush.

'She was replying just fine, where did she suddenly go?' He thought. Checking the time he noticed that it was already 3 a.m.

"Oh she must have fell asleep. I forgot that she has a normal sleeping schedule." He said as he smiled.

'Someone normal...' He thought to himself again as he headed for his studio to work some more.

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