Chapter 2

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(A month had gone by since Min Yoon Gi stopped by)

It was Friday night and her friends insisted on her going clubbing with them but, she refused. Nothing good can ever come from clubbing. Besides, she was really tired having to deal with two jobs.

"What should I do? Hmm I should catch up on the new drama while I have some time. Oh, I should eat some ramen too!" She thought out loud.

She walked into the kitchen taking out a pot to boil water when she heard a knock at the door.

"Who could it be?" she thought. "It's probably Tai who came by to convince me to go out again." She rolled her eyes as she opened the door.

"You're not going to ask who it is like last time?" Min Yoon Gi stood at the door holding up a bag of steaming hot fried chicken while showing his gummy smile.


"For someone who gives out advice about strangers, I'm surprised you weren't as cautious. 'You know, strangers are dangerous.'" He slyly smiled as he reiterated the advice I gave him last time.

"Can I come in? The chicken is gonna get cold."

"Oh, yeah. Sure." She blankly stepped aside so that he can walk in.

Making himself at home, he quickly went to the coffee table they had previously sat at.

While he took the coke and chicken out of the bag, she took out two glasses and headed for the table.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you are here. I didn't think you would really show up again."

"Well I'm a man of my word" He said smiling.

"Are you doing better? Where you able to make a decision?..."

"Mhmm. After thinking about what you said I did. I feel better now." He took a bite of chicken and let out a loud groan.

"AHHH. This hits the spot!" he said.

Looking around the room as he chewed on some more chicken, he spotted a lesson plan booklet on the floor.

"Are you a teacher?" he pointed at the booklet.

"Yeah. I'm an English teacher at a public school nearby."

"Have you always wanted to be a teacher?" he asked with a mouth full of chicken.

"Not really. However I do enjoy teaching people. It's a full time job but, it's actually more like community service."

"Community service?" He confusedly asked as he stopped eating.

"Well as I said, I enjoy teaching people along with giving advice to people such as you, but it isn't the bread winner. I actually own my own trucking company."

"So you're like the CEO?! Wait how..How old are you?? You keep calling me Oppa!"  His mouth formed a small 'o' shape as he remained shocked.

"Hahaha. Well I am my own boss so I guess you can say the CEO but, don't confuse it with some big corporation like Samsung. I'm not a Chaebol...yet." She smirked a little.

"As for your second question I'm 28. Born in '93, so you can say we are friends. That's what you wanted right? I mean why else bring chicken and cola?" She laughed a little louder this time getting more comfortable and allowing her true nature to show.

"Wow. You sure are something. But, if you are here, how do you manage your business back home?"

"Simple. I hired someone to manage the day to day necessities and I just contact the major companies who need distribution from here. I strategically left during a time when all personal deals were completed so I would reduce the amount of times I would need to fly back. After all, I need to think about the commitment of my full time job here too you know."

He continued to ask her more questions, curious about the stranger that emitted an aura that attracted him since their first encounter outside her apartment door.

"Anyway, that's enough about me. I was going to watch a drama before you showed up. How about we watch a movie instead?" She shyly asked realizing it was getting late and he might need to leave soon.

"Hmm movie? Sure. Nothing beats staying in and lying on the couch" he said smiling.

Now that was something she previously knew about him whens she was a huge fan. Min Yoon Gi was really lazy. He himself stated he would want to be a rock in his next life time.

"Let's watch a comedy. The atmosphere has been too serious here." As she scrolled through the list of available movies she spotted White Chicks.

"Oh! How about White Chicks!? It's like a classic! Have you seen it before?"

"White Chicks?" He repeated the title of the movie with the most adorable broken English. She couldn't help but laugh a little.

"No. I have never seen it before. Is it really funny?"

"Oh yeah. You will definitely like this one."

She played the movie making sure to put on the Korean subtitles for him before she sat on the floor in front of the couch he was already lying down in.

Of course he would hog the couch at his new "friends" house she thought. That's lazy Min Yoon Gi for you.

The movie was halfway through when she got up to go to the bathroom. As she stood up, she realized he had already fallen asleep.

"When did he fall asleep?" She thought out loud. "Should I wake him up? Let him stay?"

'What!? No way!' She thought in her head. 'What kind of girl lets a guy she just met stay over? I mean it's not like he is a complete stranger...but still.'

She contemplated whether or not to wake him up. The way his dark hair drooped over his small sad eyes made her blush. It reminded her of how crazy she was about him a few years ago. Who would have thought that he would be lying on her couch... and all alone too...

'Ahh! Get your mind out of the gutter!' she screamed internally.

She walked over to her room and brought out a small blanket.

'Okay. If I lay this on him and he wakes up, then he is meant to leave. If he doesn't, then he is meant to stay...' she thought as her monologue continued in her head.

She slowly approached him and carefully laid the blanket over him. As she reached to his shoulders, his eyes slowly opened...


Katana- Japanese sword

Chaebol- CEO of conglomerate

'93 being friends- In Korea, people born in the same year often refer to each other as "friends"

( I know they are both born in '93 and would make them 23, but this story takes place 5 years from now)

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