Boyfriend Senarios-Part 1-YooFic

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1st November 2016
Welcome to my first Yoosung fan fic!! Or YooFic! Anyways let's get started! ;3
💞The Day He Met You💞
You had been studying in the library when you heard fast typing and weird noises.It was 4:00pm and most people had went home or were in class so you wondered who it could be.You sat down your books and walked to the computers to see a blonde boy with a headset on playing a game, a game named Lolol.You heard his stomach rumble and grabbed your spare Apple tapping him on his shoulder.He looked up confused and noticed you taking one headphone off his ear.

"Y-Your stomach rumbled I was wondering I-If you wanted an apple?"

"A-Ahhh, thanks."He smiled grasping your apple

He shut down his computed and packed up.

"Hey thanks again, My name is Yoosung, Yoosung Kim"He smiled

"I'm (Y/N),(Y/N) (l/n)"You smiled putting your books in your bag

"Hey (Y/N) do you want to be friends?
🎉When he realised he loved you🎉
Yoosung had been your friend for a year now and he began to feel weird around you.He noticed his heart skipped beats when you smiled and laughed, he wanted to impress you, and he felt jealous when you would blush when talking to other boys.It took a while for him to realise but now he knew it, he was in love with his best friend.But what if she rejected him when he confessed? What if she loved someone else? Zen was hotter than him, Seven was smarter than him, Jaeheee had more maturity and Jumin had more money, he was just a college student obsessed with games.Should he ignore his feelings or let them show.He decided that night as you logged of, No matter the outcome he would tell you.He would always be there for you and even if he was rejected he would protect you......

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