Your Voice -X Saeran

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S'Kinda sad
Readers POV
Three days ago, I stood in a graveyard covered in black, tears staining my cheeks.In the moment he needed me most I let him down, that moment.I remember standing beside his brother, no one else there.I remember the endless tears and guilt ripping at me.
Because it was my fault.
Rika had sent Unknown out to end the RFA, and I followed.Gun at my side as we snuck through the town unnoticed, the big party would start later today so we walked in, seeing them all there.Unknown, saeran.I remember his eyes sparking with anger as he looked at the red haired boy, I remember watching him grab the gun from his pocket and aim it as he spewed out insults.I remember the boy reasoning and saying he loved Saeran as he cried and cried and cried as they all stayed in the same spot.I had grabbed my gun and pointed it towards the rest of them.Unaware....
"VANDERWOOD NO!!!"The red haired boy screamed and reached out
That moment.
That single moment.
Everyone stared behind Saeran, and I spun to see what it was......
A single bullet shot Saeran.I was too late.I was too late to save him, to save my love.
Everything cut out as I kneeled beside him crying.He was angry, angry that Luciel still lived.
"I love you Saeran...."
"I love you too (Y/N)"He whispered
The first time he said it, and the last.
His voice echoes through my head often, every few hours.

Your Voice guides me now, Saeran.

My only love.

The only reason I joined the mint eye and the only reason I'm now in the RFA.Because I want you and your innocent brother to be happy.I will rid the world of Rika for what she did.

I'll always love you....

Saeran's POV
"I'll always love you too.(Y/N)."

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