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2nd November 2016
So I guess Seven convinced everyone to play Call Of Duty Black Ops II, so mainstream👏😂
I'm sorry about Jumins T_T
Narrators POV
You sat with the rest of the RFA on two lounges, Yoosung sat to your left and seven to right.Zen even though he hated it sat next to In the centre of Jumin and Jaehee.You were playing Zombies on the Barn map, you were on round one using the knife to slice through each zombie, Yoosung was positioned at the top window, Jaehee covered one staircase and Jumin the other, you had the main door, seven at the back door and Zen at the side entrance.Every now and then a zombie would escape you and seven would immediately kill it like a pro.By round fifteen you were in the house.Yoosung took the veranda, seven took the hole in the wall, Zen took the window, you had the stairs, Jumin watched the roof and Jaehee was on patrol.Everyone was having fun, completely focused on the game, Seven was casually glancing around at the RFA members after sniping.Next thing you know it was round 25, Jaehee had died from a zombie through the roof, Jumin had left to get Elizabeth 3rd letting the zombie kill the unaware Jaehee.Jaehee got up only to receive Elizabeth 3rd, she rolled her eyes but took Elizabeth 3rd to the kitchen feeding her.Jumin was next and that left seven to snipe and watch the roof, which didn't bother him, he was quick and a perfect aim and you complemented him earning a blush.You had it on infinite and round 30 had become extremely hard.Yoosung had helped Zen many times and next thing you know you were down.Seven covered you as Yoosung saved you both retuning to their positions.Zen was down and so was Jumin they both sighed and put down their remotes.Zen stood up and kissed you cheek, before walking off.
"Good luck Babe~"

Seven growled and Yoosung took over the window completely, Seven still kept the roof and hole and you kept the  stairs.By round 70 you died and it was just seven and Yoosung.

"Hey (Y/N)! If we get to round 90 promise you'll tell us who you love!"Seven yelled as his eyes scanned across the screen his hands pressing buttons at a fiery speed

You agreed but as round 91 rolled past you regretted it......You have to tell him you have to admit your love

⭐️A gamers heart⭐️
Yoosung had his eyes on the screen but you decided he wouldn't be mad if you destroyed his streak with your idea to confess.Seven glanced at you and you looked back he knew about your crush on Yoosung, HE KNEW THEY WOULD MAKE IT! But instead on yelling you whispered a thankyou.Making your move you stood in front of Yoosung who looked confused.You knelt to the height  of him as he sat...

"What are you-"You kissed him

Yoosung paused and his cheeks lit up, to match yours.You stayed there for a moment before you were brave enough to speak up.

"I love you"You blushed

"I love you too, you have a gamers love~"

💞I will care for you💞
You started to make growling noises and walked over to slap seven. That bastard was planning this!
He knew you like Jaehee, that asshole.Now you had to admit your love to the girl in the kitchen.You walked up to Jaehee muttering some very colourful language directed towards Seven.

"Hey Jaehee........So I made a bet with seven, it was a terrible and very regrettable bet-"You stared only to be cut off

"I heard, so I'm guessing you need help confessing your love to Mr.Han?"Jaehee sighed

"N-NO!"You blurted making Jaehee confused

You decided it would be best to get it over with,

Seven bursts out laughing as Jaehee's cheeks lit up.Yoosung dropped his remote and Zen looked shocked.

"I didn't think you were that way..."Zen whispered

Jumin walked over picking up Elizabeth 3rd who had finished eating and stared at Jaehee, then angrily glanced at you.

"Do not scare my Elizabeth 3rd.But assistant Kang about this relationship going on, I wouldn't usually accept it but as she is my friend I will, for now.But if she keeps scaring my Elizabeth 3rd it's unacceptable"Jumin announced

Jaehee sighed but grasped your hands making you face her, your cheeks lighting up.

"I guess now it's my duty to protect you.From this day, I will be the one to care for you."Jaehee said blushing

🎉I'm glad your admitting it🎉
That jerk of a boy! You can't admit your love to Zen! I-It's not right! But you can't back down! SEVEN IS SO DEAD TOMORROW!
You growled colourful words as you approached Zen who was now sitting on the lounge and sat next to him.Unknown to you he knew what you were doing.

"He-Hey Zen!"You stuttered

Zen decided to make you utterly embarrassed and grasped your chin making you look into his eyes.You forced down the blush trying to escape.

"W-What are you doing! I-Idiot"You growled

He just chucked in response,
"I'm waiting~ For you~ to confess~"

You growled as your cheeks became dusted,
"Y-You idiot!! What do I have to co-confess!!"

Zen laughed as kissed you, on your lips!


"Admit it...you love me~ otherwise I'm just going to leave you and avoid you"Zen teased

"F-FINE I-I kinda maybe Lo-lov-Lo-Lo-Li- don't highly dislike you!"He glared disapprovingly  "I....love-I love you"

He smirked and kissed you.

"Good, I'm glad your admitting it, now let's leave,That cat is so annoying!"

👏Finally, I got you to admit it👏
Your cheeks lit up as you glanced at seven who was fully focused on the game, how could you admit to him you had a crush, on the weirdest hacker in existence? You quickly moved closer and his eyes flickered down.You grasped his remote and put it down, Yoosung noticed your plan and got Zens help.You grasped Sevens hand with yours trying to dull the bright colours that were spread across your cheeks.

"Your past round 90....and I made a deal.....so...."You grasped the other hand
"Now I need to tell a certain dork that I love him, so Seven- no Luciel I love you"

He grinned from ear to ear and hugged you tightly.

"I'm glad, that Finally I got you to admit it. (Y/N) (L/N) I am officially yours, and I hope that one day soon we will share a past name"


"B-But yes I am also officially yours"You blushed

😍I guess we can see if this will work out😍
You immediately took it as an excuse and ran up to Jumin.

"JUMIN HAN!! I LOVE YOU!"You yelled so you couldn't stop yourself

You swore you saw his cheeks become pink, but he held your hand.

"I see and I love you too.I guess we'll just have to see how WE turn out.

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