Sick with you: X Yoosung

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Quick A/N:
I just wanted to change the way I set up this book ;D sorry for any inconvenience and y'know not updating >\\\<

Narrators POV
You sat on your lounge with the TV playing faintly, snuggled into thick blankets.A bin sat beside the lounge and a box of tissues on your lap, you sneezed into a tissue and chucked it into the bin grabbing the bottle of cold water from beside you and drinking it as the lounge room door swung open.Yoosung smiled sadly as he walked over, I bowl of noodles in his hands steaming slightly.He handed to you as you rubbed your red tinted nose.
"(Y/N)"He sighed kneeling beside you
His eyes faded with worry as his hand softly sat across your cheek.
"Yoosung?"Your voice squeaked in confusion
"Can I k-kiss you?"He smiled sheepishly earning a no
Your face contorted with worry and anger, the sweet action could make him sick, and keep him from working.
"Why not?"he pouted
"I don't want you sick too idiot!"You sighed as you hurt your throat
He kissed you,
"I don't care I'll have more time with you"Yoosung smiled
You reached a hand to his hair as your nose began too....
Yoosung held a tissue to your face throwing it into the bin with a smile.
"That's a bit cliché"You laughed
"Can't help it, I just want to be sick with you~"
You rolled your eyes at the idiot boy.
"You just want sick days"You laughed
Yoosung was taken aback but shook his head with a smile.
"If your sick, I want to join you, so we can get better together.I want to be sick with you"

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