Secret Kiss-SevFic

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Narrators POV
You had been in a relationship with Saeyoung for a year and you haven't kissed, but you didn't mind.You didn't want to rush it if it wasn't the right time, it wasn't.But Saeyoung had seemed off and a bunch of boys had been talking to him leaving him blushing as he walked back.Right now you say in the giant bushed maze in your school, examining roses as you heard small chatter from other students looking for the centre.It was a competition but you decided not to participate properly, you easily completed mazes.But you sat quietly on the White chairs that were surrounded by roses- watching people walk by, including primary school visitors that would speak to you every now and then.About half an hour in you saw familiar gold eyes and waved to the red haired boy who immediately say next to you.
"Why haven't you won already?"
"I'm not participating it's not fair"you replied simply
He chuckled
"Why have you seemed different lately?"
He looked confused before darting his eyes to the floor, thinking about something as a small blonde haired girl walked past.She grinned and waved, the frowned.
"What's wrong?"you asked her
"I'm lost.....I wanted to win so I could get something for my mum!"She replied a pout on her lips
"Do you want me to try to get you to the centre before anyone else?"You asked
You watched her brown eyes widen, sparkles appearing as she grinned.
"REALLY!!! Yes please miss!!!"

You ended up holding her hand and guiding her Saeyoung following you thinking still and as you meet with the centre you were awarded first, you told them you weren't participating so they let the girl- Named Emeline- come first.She thanked you and hugged you before Saeyoung pulled you away.Looking right into you (e/c) orbs.moving closer, the sun sinking to send colours across the sky.He held his hand to his lips and whispered something.Confused you moved forwards, closer, closer confused at why he was so quiet.Until his lips met yours, you stumbled back blushing madly as he chuckled.
"I love you~ I'm glad I could share our first kiss.Our secret kiss....."he grinned

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