Fair games-(SevenFic)

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9th November
Narrators POV
You grinned as you and Seven arrived at the carnival, he grasped your hand as you entered the massive gates of the show ground.

"What do you want to do?"Seven asked

"Can we go on some rides Luciel?~~~"you answered sweetly

He smiled in response and ran off pulling you with him to the biggest roller coaster, you waited in line for a few moments and sat in the seats.He smiled and you smiled back as the roller coaster took off at an incredible speed.Your head spun as you wobbled off the ride, the sun slowly sinking.Seven grasped your hand speedily and dragged you to a game booth, winning easily and getting a (plushi type) plushi, handing it to you.After you ate a few things the sun was almost gone, seven surprised you as you hopped onto the Ferris wheel.

"Hey (y/n), do you think we can have a cat after we get married?"He asked dreamily as he stared at the stars that now hung in the sky like paper

"Of course we can"You answered smiling as your cheeks lit up

"And can we get married on a space station?"He continued

"If you can arrange it, I would be proud to get married within the stars"You said as you looked at the sky

"Do you think, maybe soon we can get married?"Seven said as he grasped your hands bringing all your attention into his (golden?yellow?) eyes

"Yes Luciel, whenever you want"You pecked his lips

"Good, don't worry I'll make sure it's soon!"He grinned

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