In Death's Grip: Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We reach the cells in the nick of time. Doctor Avery, the one who performs the evaluations, is stepping into the room where Haven is sitting up, chained to a wall.

Tony walks up to the doctor and addresses him. "Doctor Avery, there is no reason for this girl to be evaluated. I can vouch for her."

"I'm sorry Tony, Hank was informed that she was dangerous so he insisted that she be examined," Avery replies.

"Can we at least stay and watch?" I ask.

"Be my guest," he returns.

My father leans down and whispers in my ear, "She can't be evaluated. You know how dangerous she can be. She'll resort to violence before anything else. We came here to get her out and that's what I intend to do."

Tony barges into the examination room and pulls out his colt. He aims the gun at the doctor's head.

"Tony, what are you doing?" Avery asks with a look of shock.

"I'm doing what's right," My father answers, "Even if that means killing you."

"Murder is never right Tony. Please, don't do this," Avery begs.

"I know murder isn't right but defending my own people is. I couldn't protect my first-born son when he died. I wish I could have saved him in that car crash. He was only ten years old. I was a grown man. Was it right that I lived and that he was taken from me? That girl is one of my people. I will never let anyone harm my people. That will never. Happen. Again."

My father's words move me to tears. He hasn't spoken about my brother Robert for years. I hope Avery lets Haven go. I don't want any death today.

"That was very touching. You inspired hope in me and that's no easy thing to accomplish. I'll let the girl go," the doctor tells him.

I'm astonished by how easily the doctor allowed us to secure our ally. He walks over to Haven and takes out the key to her chains. He unlocks the bonds on her forearms and helps her to her feet. She stands and walks past us with determined look.

"Where are you going?" I ask after her.

"To get my boyfriend," she says with ease.

"Do you even know where he's at?" Alex shouts at Haven.

"Nope. I'll find him though. I found him once and I can find him again."

She sounds full of confidence. Full of stupid, idiotic confidence. If she runs around here doing whatever she pleases she'll end up dead. I have to keep her under control.

I chase after her. I takes me a few minutes to reach her but as I do I grab her shoulders and wrench her around to face me.

"You have to calm down Haven! We'll find Nathan later but first we have get you to safety. Do you understand?"

Haven nods her head.

"We're going to take you to the armory to get you're weapons. Nathan's weapons too. After that we'll go to our leader and sort out this whole thing about you and Nathan," Tony explains to Haven.

Tony leads us through Charleston toward the armory, the place where most of the weapons are kept. Haven's and Nathan's things were taken there when they arrived. Guards are probably watching over the small building though. Hopefully my dad has the authority to get us past them.

The armory is a small grey building that used to be an small home. A family lived here, now guns and blades litter the rooms. Rows upon rows of pistols, rifles, and shotguns line the walls. Machetes, baseball bats, and all other melee weapons are scattered into a pile in a corner of the main room.

As we walk up to the entrance of the armory, two men block our path. Tony pushes to the front of our little group.

"What is your business here Tony?" one of the men demands.

"Some weapons were taken from survivors that arrived this morning. I expect that they were brought here. I want them. Now," my father commands.

One of the men answers hastily, "Um..right away sir. We'll let you pass."

"I thought as much," Tony retorts.

We go into the armory and I'm amazed by how much weaponry can fit into one room. I notice Haven's and Nathan's bags tossed onto the edge of the pile.

Haven scoops up the duffel bag and examines her items. She looks around the room and then chooses a rifle. She stuffs the gun into her pack.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alex asks her.

"I lost a rifle on the road and I wanted a new one. Got a problem with that Ginger?" Haven remarks. I don't think Alex will take much offense to an insult about his hair. He does seem scared of her though so he says nothing back. Taylor chuckles at Alex's fear of the girl.

"Look," my father starts, "I don't care if you take a gun but make it fast. We have to get Nathan and then get the both of you under watch. I'm sure Hank won't take a liking to either of you. Both of you are ambitious and stubborn, a trait our leader has come to hate in people."

Haven shrugs and grabs Nathan's bag while slinging hers over her shoulder. We trudge out of the living room full of weapons.

We begin to make our way to Felix's quarters to gather information on Nathan's weareabouts but Felix finds us first. He almost topples Tony over as he runs into him.

"Sorry," he says quickly, "Hank wants to see you. It's about the blonde headed boy that was picked up this morning. He said that you know him and wants to speak with you about it."

Felix takes a look at the people in our group. He sees me and gives a friendly smile. His eyes glance over Taylor, Cho, and Alex but stop when they reach Haven. Fear creeps into his eyes and face.

"Hank also wants to see her," He blurts and runs off to attend to something else.

"Why does he want see us?" Haven asks quizzically.

"Because you, Nathan, Zach, and even Keaton, and maybe even Taylor, threaten him by even existing. All of you are good leaders. You don't like following rules. You're a danger to his leadership. Therefore, you little lady, need to tread lightly around Hank or you and everyone I care about will die," my father explains desperately.

"I'll try. No promises though," Haven says.

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