In Death's Grip: Epilogue

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Epilogue- Zach

"It took me days to do it but I finally managed it," Harvey whispers to me so the rest of the group won't hear him.

I lightly grab his arm and lead him into the hallway. He's kind of grown on me. A new friend could be good for me. He's also quite useful to me since my wrist and ankle will take some time to heal up.

"Just keep a close watch until I get down there. I've got a few things to tell some people and then I'll be ready. Got it?" I ask.

"Yeah, I got it. I'll be waiting in the basement then."

He turns toward the narrow stairway and trudges down below. I hear the door open and then close.

I reach for my crutches and Nikolai's broadsword that I took from his dead body after the fight. I slowly make my way upstairs to the second floor. I bypass all of the people that are seated in the living room discussing something unimportant to me.

I go to Taylor's room where I know that he is resting. He told me all about the battle at the compound and how his sword was broken. He also told me how his nose got busted and his glasses shattered. I remember how tough Clare was. It must've been a hell of a fight.

I walk in and see my friend covered up by several blankets. He's reading a book by candlelight with his newly found glasses.

"How are you doing buddy?" I ask him.

"A lot better now that my dad found some new glasses for me. I just wish that I hadn't gotten my sword broken," he responds.

"Actually," I say as I show him the magnificent sword, "This is what I came up here for."

I lay the sword gently upon his bed. He carefully picks it up and examines it.

"Won't this be too large for me to use?" He asks nervously.

"You can learn. I'll help you in any way that I can," I explain.

"Thanks, Zach."

"Anytime," I say.

I turn and leave his small, dark room. I make sure to close the door quietly so no one can hear me. They don't need to know what I'm going to do next.

I descend the stairs with my crutches. The others are still discussing something loudly in the living room. I make my way past them without anyone noticing.

I then face the challenge of the basement steps. I take it slow as I go down the cold metal staircase leading into the darkness.

Ice, as he enjoys being called, is standing under a light in the storage closet of the basement. The room is completely empty except for Harvy, a chair he is standing beside, and a figure shrouded in shadow.

"Leave us," I tell Harvey.

He walks past me and ascends the metal steps up to the surface. I'm left alone with the shadow figure.

I accidentally bump the dangling light with my head as I walk in the room. It sways back and forth.

I take a good look at what I have before me. The thing is chained to the wall just as I was when I was captured.

It's bald head moves toward me. He reaches out his fingerless hand to me. The scruffy beard growing on its face is caked in blood and bits of flesh are already falling from its body.

Nikolai stands before me, a cold and undead version of him at least. Skin is falling off of him. His chest has a large wound where I stabbed his heart. I killed Nikolai yet here he is.

"How are you not dead?" I ask the dead man.


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