In Death's Grip: Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Cho! Get inside!"

She turns just in time to see the dozen or so group of people coming toward her. She's unarmed. I run at full speed to try and protect her.

The people flood the wall as they rush to throw the ladders over to the other side. They hustle to complete their objective. The offenders swarm Charleston and our house from all sides. They wouldn't have noticed Alex and I if I hadn't yelled but I panicked. Now a man is headed straight for Cho.

Alex fires an arrow at lightning speed. The shaft goes right through the throat of the man that's trying to grab Cho.

"That was impressive," I tell him.

"I never miss," he says seriously, "Go to Cho. I can take care of these assholes."

I don't object. I sprint for Cho. The enemies turn their attention on me for a second but Alex makes them focus on himself.

"Hey!" he shouts. Curious, the group of attackers focus on him. Alex calmly nocks an arrow to his bow. The people just keep watching. He lifts up the bow and aims it at the enemy group. They stop standing still and start running toward Alex. My red-headed ally lets his arrow fly.

As the arrow sails through the air, rain and hail begins to fall rapidly. It quickly turns to sleet.

The arrow hits the lead man in the chest. He falls backwards and bleeds out. The woman directly behind him trips over his dead body. Alex stays in standing in the same spot.

He quickly fires another arrow but he's still dangerously outnumbered. The arrow picks off another offender. He takes his quiver off of his back and tosses it aside. He does the same to his bow.

Before they reach him, Alex unsheaths a wickedly sharp dagger with a bland silver hilt from his belt. He holds it like he's done it a thousand times before. He's been trained to fight with it.

When the attackers finally reach him, Alex buries the knife into the first man's throat. He yanks out the blade from the torn, bloodstained neck.

A man tries to slice him open but Alex is incredibly quick. He sidesteps the man's machete and drives the dagger into his attacker's heart. The knife is lodged into the body though. Alex will have to fight with his hands now.

Three people assault him at the same time. One throws a punch at Alex's jaw. Another person tries to kick him in the back. The last thrusts a knife at Alex's gut.

Alex reacts faster than anyone I've ever seen before. He reaches for the knife with his right hand while ducking the punch and kick at the same time. He has the knife in his hand and jabs it into the attacker that tried to kick him. He instantly does a one hundred and eighty degree turn and slices open the stomach of the one who attempted to punch him.

He slams the knife down into the previous owner's arm. The man cries out in extreme pain. Alex brings his knee to meet the man's lungs. The breath exits the attacker's body. Alex takes the man's neck in his hands and twists it violently to the side. The man is dead.

"Keaton behind you!" Cho shouts.

I spin around to see an immensely large man with dark skin wielding a sledgehammer. A chill creeps down my spine at the sight of him.

"Your a dead man, samurai," He says in a deep, heavy voice.

He lifts the hammer high in the air. I'm frozen in place by fear. The hammer is about to fall and obliterate me when Cho kicks the man in the groin with all her might. He falls to his knees in pain.

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