In Death's Grip: Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Tony, Felix is coming this way," Jonny says, his voice urgent.

He moves away from the curtains where he was keeping watch. Jonny goes to the door and opens it for Felix. The red-headed right hand man of Hank walks into our living room. He doesn't sit down.

"What do you want Felix?" Tony asks.

"I came to say that I'm sorry."

"Have a seat," Tony orders, "Why are you sorry?"

Felix moves over to the couch and takes a seat on the middle cushion. Nathan and Haven have taken notice of his presence. They stand at two different corners of the room.

Nathan has his claws on his hands. Haven is lazily holding a sawed-off shotgun in her right hand. She's casually leaning against the wall. The two of them look very intimidating.

I'm stood in the kitchen, watching all of this take place. I'm not trying to scare Felix. I consider him a friend and an ally. What happens to Alex had nothing to do with him.

Felix gathers the courage to speak. "I'm sorry for not being there. I'm sorry that Hank did what he did. If I had been there, none of this wouldn't have happened. I'm truly sorry for your loss."

Tony waits a few moments before speaking. "Felix, you have nothing to be sorry for. This was not your fault. It was mine."

I am appalled by what I'm hearing my father say.

He continues, "I betrayed Hank, a man who took my people in, clothed us, fed us, and protected us. He punished me justly and I thank him for it. I deserved this for I brought it upon myself."

Felix is surprised by my father's words. Everyone in the room is.

"I guess I will leave you to your own business then," Felix says. He rises from the couch and walks out of the door without speaking anything else to us.

After the door is closed and Felix is gone, I turn to my father. "What the hell was that?"

"Don't use that language with me," he tells me, anger hidden in his voice.

"Tony, was that true?" Jonny asks his friend.

"Of course not. I just told him that so he wouldn't suspect us when we go through with our plan. Felix won't be a problem. Our problem is Hank."

"So since we got Felix off our radar, what's the next step in prepping for the attack?" Nathan questions.

"Now we need to train. Also we figure out what kind of skills we're up against."

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