In Death's Grip: Chapter 9

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Chapter 9- Zach

His plan isn't working. Nikolai's attack will fail. He can't beat Hank in this fight. I wish I could do something to help my people. Unfortunely, all I can do is watch the battle unfold.

I tried my best to warn Keaton about the impending attack but my message didn't get through in time. Morse code was a good choice but he didn't notice in time. I feel so useless in this fight.

I did what I could to slow the advancement of the leaders but Clare is very strong. She's an amazing fighter and always has been. That's the only reason that Nikolai recruited her. He's sexist against women being in a position of power but he couldn't deny her abilities in combat.

I turn away from my own thoughts to watch the assault on Charleston. Nikolai's forces keep advancing.

The men that haven't reached the wall with their ladders have bunched up at the gate. At that angle the defenders on the wall can't reach them with their guns.

Dozens of men and women from all over the place are still popping up. They all began to attack when Nikolai uttered the word 'false'. His big plan, which he calls 'false landscaping', was well liked by his leaders. Their feelings might've changed now since the outcome of the battle is showing itself.

Nikolai was dumb for lunging at Hank. Hank is armed to the teeth and Nikolai has nothing but his fists. Nikolai is a bigger man than Hank though. His weight gives him a slight advantage but not for long.

Nikolai shoves Hank away for a moment. As he does this, a soldier runs by and tosses a sword to the Russian. It's Nikolai's own sword. It's a large four and half foot long broad blade. The hilt is custom made to fit Nikolai's hand perfectly. I guess I spoke too soon about him being unarmed.

Hank swings his two foot long machete but Nikolai blocks the move with his own blade. The two struggle as they try to match the others skill. Hank ducks a huge swing from the Russian's gargantuan sword. He tucks and rolls backwards and is back on his feet almost instantly.

Hank reachs for his riot shield on his back. He shoves his left arm into the handle and uses the shield to cover most of his body. He holds his short sword out in front of him. Doing this, he resembles a noble spartan warrior. Minus the noble part.

The two men size each other up. Nikolai, a huge, strong, Russian man. Hank, a stout, cunning, and ruthless man. Nikolai has his sword while Hank has is machete and shield. These two enemies should be equals. They should be fighting together, not against one another. But stubborn men never learn. They charge forward.

Hank runs at the Russian screaming like a maniac. Nikolai steps back and raises his blade. He swings the greatsword over his head and jams it down into Hank's sturdy shield. The sword is stuck momentarily. Hank uses this to his advantage.

He jabs his machete at Nikolai's body but the Russian is far too quick for the simple attack. He sidesteps and releases his sword from the riot shield. Shocked, but only momentarily, Hank stands motionless. Nikolai shoves all of his weight into the man's shield and knocks his enemy on to the dirt.

Nikolai swings the mighty blade with all of his might into the ground that Hank is occupying. Hank quickly rolls out of the way. Nikolai put too much power into his swing. He can't get his sword out of the tough earth.

While on the ground, Hank delivers a nasty kick to Nikolai's right knee. The Russian howls in pain but keeps his footing.

Hank leaps up and throws himself at Nikolai, knocking him off balance. Hank slices and stabs several times but Nikolai's large form is much faster than I could've imagined. He fights like a true soldier, a man who has seen much combat in his glory days.

Dark clouds shroud the sky and rain begins to crash down onto the warring armies. Freezing rain and hail fall from the grey storm clouds. Thunder shakes the ground beneath my feet. Lightning brightens up the scene as the sun begins to set. The two men don't even seem to notice. They're locked onto each other, both of them desperate to win.

Hank swings his sword at Nikolai's midsection but the man moves with incredible speed. He leans backwards like he's about to go under a limbo pole. The machete goes right over him.

After the blade passes over him, Nikolai springs back upright and throws his left fist into Hank's jaw. Hank drops his machete and staggers and doesn't have time to recover before the next assault. Nikolai immediately hits Hank with a second punch in the gut. The Russian grabs Hank's waist and shoves him into the truck I'm standing by. They pay me no mind as I observe.

Nikolai delivers hit after hit to Hank's body. He throws his elbow into the white haired man's ribs. Hank finally gains enough composure to struggle against his attacker. The two fight to get the next hit. Nikolai moves his right fist in to hit Hank but Hank blocks the hand with his forearms.

Hank clenches both of his fists into a ball and throw them into Nikolai's jaw. Nikolai is dazed. Hank thrusts his foot into the man's stomach and Nikolai flies back. He lands with a hard thud onto the ground. Hank scoops up his machete from the dirt and walks toward the injured man.

Nikolai attempts to rise but Hank hits the Russian so hard it throws the weakened man back onto the ground. Nikolai manages to drag himself and kneel before Hank. Nikolai raises his hands up in a feeble effort to protect himself. Hank slices right through Nikolai's fingers on his left hand. All that remains whole is his thumb.

Nikolai screams, not in pain but in anger, as loud as he can. It's a warrior's cry because Nikolai is a true warrior. He stands and with lightning fast reflexes he knocks Hank's blade from his hand. He pounces at Hank and shoves his severed fingers into the man's eyes.

His attempt to blind him fails though. Hank grabs Nikolai's arm and twists it into a painful position. He turns his arm and Nikolai is forced to have his back to Hank. Hank brings his foot into the man's back and watches his enemy fall into the dirt.

Through the rain and hail and thunder and lightning Hank grabs Nikolai's collar and puts his face right in front of his. I can barely hear him shout his words.

"This is my city! No one will ever take my city! Now leave!" As he screams the word leave, thunder shakes the earth.

All of this noise that our two parties are making are attracting walkers. I see them through the rain, shambling forward. This needs to end soon.

Hank shoves Nikolai away from the city and runs back to help his people. Nikolai is tired and defeated. He cups a hand to his mouth.

"Faaaalllllll back! Faaaaalllllll back! Fall back!"

Demitri hears his master's call and takes up the cry. Men all around turn and run from Charleston. Clare and Clyde cease their fire and retreat with the rest.

The huge wooden gate to Charleston swings wide open and a large crowd of people funnel out. Tony is leading the charge against Nikolai's army. They attack the men running away. They have won. Charleston has won. But I'm still a prisoner.

As Demitri sprints by me he grabs me by the collar of my shirt and drags me back to the hellish nightmare that I've become accustomed to. The war will end soon. Hank will attack the compound. I'll end everything at that time. Everything will be okay.

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