In Death's Grip: Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I lay in my bed. Cho is resting next to me but her face is turned away from mine. I'm trying to get some rest before we march off into the impending battle.

My body refuses to let me slumber. The anticipation is almost too much for me. So many things could go wrong in our plan. We may not survive. I might not survive.

I don't want to die. I haven't wanted any of us to die. I didn't want the world to end. I was living a comfortable, boring life before all of this. Now I'm just trying to stay alive every day. Always hoping that I won't be shot or eaten alive by the undead.

I had hope when I was surrounded by walls. All of those walls came crumbling down when humans began to climb them and slaughter my allies.

I suppose the end of all life isn't so bad though. If things hadn't happened like they did, I would have never met Cho. Cho is the light in my dark world that envelopes me. She keeps me stable.

I also wouldn't have found my courage. I've done things in this dead era that I thought I would never have to do. Instead of letting people push me around, I've stood up to them. I have the makings of a leader and I can lead men and women if I have to.

I've also murdered and maimed as well. I'll try to push those dark thoughts from my mind. It's no use looking back on the bad memories. They only attempt to stomp out my already weakened hope.

I don't know how long I've been laying here.

Taylor quietly opens the door. "It's about that time."

He doesn't need to elaborate further. I give Cho a soft nudge and she begins to stir. The bed creaks loudly as I rise from it.

I grab my sheath with my katana tucked tightly inside. I throw the strap over my shoulder and walk out of the room. Cho takes a bit longer to get going so I'll just leave her to do what she does for a few minutes.

Everyone in the house is silently milling about already. I see Nathan climbing down from his room in the attic. Haven is already downstairs.

As I climb down the stairs I take a gander out the window. It's pitch black outside and I can hear the soft patter of rain. The air is still cold even though it's just become Spring.

"It's as good a night as any for a fight," Nathan says as he walks up behind me.

"Do you think they'll be expecting us?" I ask him.

"Oh, Nikolai would be an idiot to think we wouldn't be coming. I'll bet you he's prepared for anything. Now isn't the time to talk about it though. Right now we need to scarf down some of the chili that your mom made and suit up for war."

"Agreed," I respond.

I gravitate toward the kitchen where a large pot of what I suppose you can call chili is waiting for me. We've always put our ration cards together so that we'll have an actual meal when it comes time to eat.

I grab a plastic bowl and scoop a full ladle of chili into it. I want to shovel it into my mouth with my hands but I contain myself and find a metallic spoon.

I coast into the living room and take a seat on the couch. My father hasn't even touched his food. He's too busy laying out all of the gear.

"We all need to make sure to wear a full suit of Kevlar. I'm not going to take any chances on us getting injured."

"I don't need it. It'll only slow me down," Haven remarks.

"I don't care about that. I need to be sure that we're safe," Tony replies.

Haven marches to Tony and gets right in his personal space. "Anthony, haven't you learned that when I say something, I won't care if anyone objects. I do what I want, whenever I damn well please. So for once, can we just not argue about this?"

My father sighs heavily. "Fine. By the way, I hate being called Anthony."

"I know. Your wife told me." She walks into the kitchen to get some chili. She always seems to get the last word.

I turn back to look at my dad. "So, as I was saying, most of us will be wearing armor. Hank told me to meet him at the main gate at two in the morning," He checks his watch, "That gives us about fifteen minutes to suit up and make sure we're ready. Does everyone remember the plan?"

"Yes," I say. My friends nod in agreement.

"Good. I know this isn't what you want to hear but...Matthew may have to die."

A look of worry crosses over Nathan's face momentarily.

"No one can no what we're going to do," Jonny says, "It's the only way to pull this off successfully."

"I agree," Taylor says.

Tony finalizes the conversation, "Good. The plan is set and now all we have to do is execute it. Keaton, here's your body armor."

He tosses a large and heavy set of riot gear into my lap. I barely have enough time to set down my bowl of chili so that I can catch it.

I stand and take off my strap and sword. I secure the armor to my body and tighten it. I don't don the helmet with the face guard. It's better if I wait until the fighting starts.

When I have the equipment on correctly, I scoop up my sword and put the strap back over me. I pull the strap hard so that my sheath won't be loose. I also have a holster attached to my belt. I grab one of the handguns lying on the table and put it in the slot.

Now I'm ready.

"Is everyone prepared?" My father asks.

"I think we are," Jonny answers.

The group grabs all of their weapons and we head out the door. The rain is pouring lightly and adding to the eerieness of the night. Our usual car won't fit all of us so we're taking a pick-up truck to the meeting spot.

Jonny hops in the driver's seat and my dad joins him in the passenger's. The rest of us climb into the bed of the truck. The rain is cold on our faces as were exposed to the night. The falling water is the least of our worries right now though.

We ride all the way to the gate where Hank's army awaits their orders. The man himself is stood atop on the hood of a car. His face and stark white hair can barely be seen as lanterns are the only source of light at the moment. The shadows cast a creepy look to his dark expression.

The crowd is silent. The rain makes a soft noise as it hits nearby buildings and the asphalt underneath our feet. I think Hank is going to make some dumb before-the-battle pep talk or something.

"People of Charleston," He says loudly, his voice carrying across the crowd, "Tonight, we face oblivion. Our greatest threat is waiting for us out there. Before we march on, I have just one question for you all. What do you fight for?"

He pauses for dramatic effect, letting his words sink in. He's talking very slowly so his words will have a better feel to them. Like they matter more than they should.

"Do you fight for yourself, or do you fight for the person standing beside you? I fight for you people. I fight to keep you safe. I fight to protect what we've built here! So let me ask again, what do you fight for? You? Or us?!?"

"Us!" The army shouts back at him. Even I catch on to the hype. He's good at motivating people, I'll give him that.

"Good! Then let's ride!" He orders.

Everyone piles into vehicles of all shapes and sizes. I hop back into the pick-up. Hank and Matthew join us.

After tonight, everything is going to change. Nothing will be the same after this war. Nothing.

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