In Death's Grip: Chapter 13

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Chapter 13- Zach

"Howard was a good man," Nikolai begins, "He was loyal. He was kind. He was my friend. I am saddened by his loss. I have nothing more to say."

Nikolai doesn't give a shit about Clyde's brother. He doesn't see a lost friend. All he sees his one less soldier that he has to fight Hank.

The sun is beginning to set on this rainy day. The air is chilling me to the bone. Nikolai refused to give me anything warm to wear though. I'm still barely wrapped up in my shirt that's completely shredded and ripped. Demitri didn't pull any punches when beating me.

Nikolai's hand has been thoroughly bandaged by the medics he keeps around. Its too bad that his right hand, his sword hand, wasn't damaged.

I can't believe that Clyde went back for his brother's body. He's much braver than I thought. I don't like him because he works for the Russian but I have some understanding of his love for his little brother.

"Come on," Nikolai orders, "We've all got a lot to discuss." He motions for his leaders to follow him. Demitri and Clare on right behind him. Clyde drags behind them, a look of sadness etched eternally into his face.

Demitri doesn't forget about me. He grabs me roughly by what is left of the collar of my tattered shirt. The Russian's right hand man pulls me forward toward our destination. Nikolai's office.

As we enter the large dark room that is his office, Clare starts to light candles so that we may see. Demitri shoves me into a chair and orders me to stay put. Nikolai walks behind his desk and takes a seat in a giant leather chair that fits him perfectly.

"So what do we do now sir?" Clyde asks through the silence of the room.

"We wait," is all Nikolai says in response.

"Really?" Clyde questions, his voice slightly raised.

"Is that a problem Clyde?" Nikolai cooly asks. He looks right into Clyde's eyes. He intimidates Clyde even though the Russian's bodyguard is a head taller than him.

"No, sir. It's just...they killed my brother."

"Don't you think I know what they did? What Hank did? We don't have enough manpower to mount another attack. We barely had enough to pull the last one off...." Nikolai begins to trail off.

"So we need to build up our defences then?" Clare chimes in.

"That's a start. We need to get that tank up and running. So far, all it's done is sit there and gather dust. Demitri, take Clyde and get a team working on that tank immediately."

"Of course, my friend," Demitri says as he and Clyde exit the room.

"Clare, get as many men and women as you can on all sections of the wall. Can you handle that?"

"Yes, sir!" she shouts. She turns and walks out of the room.

I am left alone with the monster that has caused me so much pain and sorrow.

"So, here we are," Nikolai says when he's sure that we're alone.

I say nothing in reply. All I do is stare directly into his face. I don't want to talk to him. I want to kill him.

"Fine, don't say anything," the Russian says after a few seconds, a bit frustrated.

I work up the nerve to speak. "You're not going to win. Don't you know that?"

"What do you mean by that?" he asks, his curiosity peeked.

"You don't have enough men to fight Hank's army. Your defences can't hold them back. And in case you didn't know it, I'm going to kill you before this is all over."

Nikolai chuckles. "You keep saying that but let us look back on our past. You've had two chances to kill before. The first time you had a bit of bad luck. Not enough bullets. The second time, you had plenty of bullets but you hesitated. I'm not sure why you did that."

"Neither am I," I say, "I should have pulled the trigger and ended it all then and there."

"But you didn't," Nikolai states, "And here I still stand. Let me tell you something, boy, few people have had the chance to kill me. Even fewer have gotten a second chance to do it. No one has ever had the chance three times."

"Well I guess I'll be the first to do it then," I say, a solemn expression on my face.

"So you say."

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