In Death's Grip: Chapter 20

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Chapter 20- Zach

A huge explosion rocks the building.

"Nikolai, my old friend, it's started. They're attacking," Demitri says as he barges into my enemy's office.

"Finally. Of course that snake would invade on a night like this. Clyde, take Zach to his cell and post a guard outside of it. I won't have him trying to escape during the battle."

"Yes sir. Of course sir."

Clyde grabs me roughly by the arm and urges me out of the office. We have been holed up in there all day just waiting. Now it's finally happening. The day of reckoning is here for us all.

He leads me to my prison in the construction site. It happens to be an old metal storage container. Nikolai had it buried and fitted with chains. The man had it put in when he heard about me coming this way. Letting him know that was a big mistake on my part.

Clyde pushes me down into the dim light of the container. He forces me to the back of it and locks the bindings tightly around my wrists. I wince at the slight discomfort they bring.

"Stay put," He grumbles in a deep voice.

I almost feel sorry for him. He lost his brother and all he can do is keep going. All he has left in life is revenge and anger. It's sad to me.

He trudges away and out of the container. I hear him tell someone to stay put near the cell just in case.

I close my eyes since the dimness is making my vision strained. All I hear is gunfire and explosions. I also hear screams, such terrible screams. I have to get out of this place and find my friends.

How though? These chains have me hanging from the ceiling. I can't reach either of my hands. There has to be a way!

"My son. My brave son. There is always a way. You know that better than anyone."

My mother's voice. The whispers of a ghost. My imagination is playing tricks on me.

"You will always find a way, son. No matter what. I believe in you. I believe in you just like you believed in me."

The voice is no longer my mother.

"Dad?" I say out loud.

I can see him. I know he's not really there but I can see him. He's standing right in front of me even though he died in Iraq.

"You can beat this. You can live. You will always live. You will be the last man standing. When all hope is lost, you'll be the last one alive. My son, the survivor."

I know what I have to do. I can use my weight to break the chains from the ceiling. They're loosely attached to the top of the container.

I grab both of the chains and muster all of my strength. I lift myself as high as I can go. I let my body fall.

My weight comes down fast and the fastenings break. I hit the solid ground hard. I'm gonna have a knot on my head soon. That's something to worry about later though.

I take light steps to the opening of my prison. The chains are still clasped onto my wrists and they're dragging noisily behind me.

I carefully take my time going up the steps leading to the surface. My guard is right at the entrance. He looks oddly familiar. Well kept blonde hair is what rests upon my this man's head.

Before he knows what's happening I sling one of the chains around his neck and pull tight.

"Where are my weapons?!" I shout questioningly.

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