In Death's Grip: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Ah, Tony. You're just the man I wanted to see. You also brought the girl? Good. Haven, sit down. Next to Nathan," Hank says as we enter his office. Nathan is seated in a chair in front the monstrous desk. He turns around to look at us.

"Haven, I'm so glad you're okay!" Nathan exclaims as he gets up from his seat. He rushes over to Haven and they embrace for a moment. They end their hug and sit down in the two chairs facing Hank's desk.

I stand behind he chair that Nathan is seated in. My dad stands closer to Haven, making sure she doesn't do something rash. Taylor takes a seat in a chair that was placed in the corner of the room. Alex decides to hang back by the door to the office. Cho stands beside me and intertwines her fingers with mine. This is the first time we've both acknowledged our relationship.

"This is great," Hank starts, "I've got everyone I need to talk to in one room. A few extras are here but I don't really care about them."

"Where are you going with this old man?" Haven demands.

"I've successfully gathered all of my problems in one place. Tony you don't pose a threat to my leadership because of your age but these young ladies and gentlemen think that they are they're own leaders. That's a problem. For example, when Zach and Keaton took it upon themselves to kill that Predator without any consent from me. Those two were very lucky that I didn't have them killed on the spot. I have so many men willing to die for me, it would've been a sime task to have seen them dead. Actually, now that I think about it, where is Zach?" Hank asks.

"I haven't seen him around," Tony lies.

"Nice try Tony," Hank says, "but you're a terrible liar. My scouts informed me that he went off on his own to kill Nikolai, our not-so-friendly neighbor. Good. Maybe he's already dead, Zach I mean. That would be one problem out of the way. I want to deal with Nikolai myself."

"You're a monster," Haven says with a look of shock on her face. I can't believe how much Hank is revealing to us. It's more like he wants to tell us that he has the upper hand rather than threaten us.

"Shut you're mouth you little bitch!" Hank shouts at Haven. Nathan rises from his chair, ready to pummel the man.

"Ha! Looks like the big man is gonna protect his little girlfriend. Give me a break," Hank mockingly says to Nathan.

"What's the point of all of this Hank?" Tony says as he slams his fist onto the grand desk.

"To warn you," Hank says, "To let you know that no matter what you do around here, whatever you think you can do because the 'rules' don't apply to you, don't mean shit. If you want to save Zach, then go ahead. It'll probably cost you you're lives though. I can kill you whenever I want. I have all the power. I am power. Now leave, you're boring me."

We retreat from Hank's office and out of the building. That man gives me chills. He is power? I fear Charleston isn't safe anymore with that man in charge. A time may come when he has to be brought down from his power and be cast out. Or killed.

"What do we do now?" I whisper to Nathan.

"We save Zach. Then we leave this place behind. Hank doesn't scare me. No one is power. He bleeds just like the rest of us. He might have to in the end," Nathan replies.

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