Chapter 2

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A/N: I'm back! Well, I don't want you guys waiting so long for another chapter, so here it is!

Love can complete your heart at first and shatter it when it's gone

Emma's POV

1 month had passed since I met the new make up artist and I swear, I don't like her. I noticed the way he looks at Tom and it just makes my blood boil! I don't even know if Tom noticed it too. By the way, we will already be filming the first scene in the "Harry Potter & Deathly Hollows 2" today, and I am already driving to the set.

Tom can't drive me to set today because of his appointment for his dentist. But I understand, anyway, I am now heading out of my car and I can already see Dan waving at me. I smiled at him and quicken my pace to him.

"Hey!" I smiled.
"Finally your here! I mean, Rupert has been annoying me!" He growled. I was about to speak when Rupert interrupted. "Emma!David told me that we still have 1 hour left before we start filming, so how about we three head to Starbucks?" He asked, boredom seen in his eyes.

"Sure, I mean I don't have anything to do for 1 hour anyway" I agreed. So three of us headed to Starbucks which is just near the set.

Once we arrived in Starbucks, I told Dan that I'll find a seat for us to sit when something caught my attention. I saw Tom kissing a blonde haired girl, and not just that, it's our make up artist! I felt an unfamiliar feeling going through me.

"Hey Em, what's- oh.." Dan didn't have a chance to finish when he followed my gaze. "Em, calm down, we don't want to make any scene right?"Rupert spoke, appearing behind me. Both guys know if their I'm about to do something I'll regret.

"I know, and no I will not make a scene" I said breathing heavily calming myself. I don't know what I am really feeling right now but I am only sure of one thing. I feel heartbroken. I admit it.

I walked up to them who are snogging like there's no tomorrow, ignoring both my friend's protests.

"Thomas Andrew Felton, I didn't thought I would see you here" I said calmly, putting up a fake smile. Tom pulled away from the whore wide eyed upon hearing my voice.

"Emma! What are you doing here?" He asked, wide eyed.

"Oh just hanging out with my..." I was interrupted by both my friends finishing the sentence.

"Friends" Rupert finished, Dan following behind.

"So you are...?" I spat using a bitchy tone.

"Alicia McMillan" she smiled wickedly.

"Umm, Emma I think we should talk outside" Tom suggested nervously.

I nodded and followed him outside leaving the guys and that Alicia.

"Emma, It's not what you think" He spoke. I don't know what to think right now, he lied to me! He said he has an appointment to his dentist.

"Not what I think?! Well I think I'm thinking the right thing! I just saw you kissing with that whore Tom! You told me you were going to your appointment" I burst out, my voice raising.

When he thought I'm done, he looked up and met my eyes. He's eyes darkened.I didn't even realize that he was looking down through out my out burst.

"Would you just  shut the fuck up?! Dammit!" He shouted. My eyes widen. He never shouted at me or even cursed at me. People are starting to notice so I started to calm myself to prevent raising my voice.

"Okay then, I'll shut up" I paused. "But tell me what you were doing with her in the cafe aside from sucking her face" I demanded, glaring at him.

"I lied to you, okay?! I wasn't really going to my appointment, Alicia called me last night asking if she could have a drink with me today so I said yes! And I didn't kiss her , she kissed me and I tried to pull away but she gripped me hard" He snapped at me.

"A drink with you huh?! So tell me, does having a drink include snogging? And yes she kissed you but you gave in to her Tom. You kissed her back." I spat and started to lose control when my hand connected with his left cheek.

My vision was starting to blur because of the tears forming. This is not the Tom that I knew anymore, the one that I loved so much. I think his answer is yes because he's silence said so.

"Well, that is all I wanted to hear from you" I spoke, trying my best not to break down in front of him. I saw his eyes full of regret after what he said.When I was about to walk away, I felt a hand grip my wrist stopping me. "Emma, wait! I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I-" I cut him off.

"No, save it. I don't want to hear any of your fucking explanations" I snapped back at him and jerk my wrist away from him. I didn't want to go back inside, so I walked to my car and drove back to my apartment.

Third Persons POV

Tom was left standing there after Emma walked away. He was regretting what he did and he admits it, he's a jerk.

"What did you do?!" Dan shouted behind him. Dan and Rupert always treated Emma as a sister. "You're an idiot mate!" Rupert yelled, launching himself to Tom but was stop by Dan grabbing him.

Tom stood still, waiting for everything to sink in to him.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled. Little did they know that Alicia was watching the whole scene, smirking.Pleased that her plan of 'breaking Emma and Tom's relationship' work.


A/N: And that's a wrap! So did you like it? Pls. Comment and vote if you like it. Btw, the Fantastic Beast And Where To Find Them is now showing!! *squeal*

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