Chapter 10

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Emma's POV

       I woke up with my head throbbing the next morning. What the hell happened last night? I felt heat beside me that made me turn around, only to see a blonde dude beside me, his back turned. What the hell? I look down at my body to see that I'm naked with the blanket wrapped around me same with the dude. Shit! Is that Tom?!

   ' This can't be' I thought as I stood up carefully as I felt so sore. I quietly went looking for my clothes and place them on. How could I be so reckless? He has a girlfriend for fuck's sake! What would I tell Jade? Oh hey, I actually had sex with your boyfriend last night. Bullshit!

I glance at him just to see him still asleep. I silently slip out of his room and darted to his front door to hail a cab going to my house. I finally arrive at my house when my phone suddenly buzzed.

"Hello" I spoke.
"You have a lot of explaining to do Em" came Bonnie's deadly voice.
"Uh-uh...(*sigh) I actually need your help B." I spoke quietly.
"Wait ...are you alright? Okay, I'm coming" she said worriedly. Then she hung up immediately. I took a deep breath and went to my room to take a warm shower hoping to get rid of the soreness of my body.

2 hours later

       I am now sitting on my couch watching "The Flash" when I heard the door bell ring. I got up and opened the front door to see my redhead friend.

    "Come on in" I ushered her in. As soon as we sat down she spoke loudly, "Now Em, spill"

     "MeandTomhadsexlastnight" spoke too fast. "What? Em speak slower" she said, her eyebrows furrowed.

" Me and Tom had sex last night" I spoke softly and quietly but still making sure that she could hear it. As soon as I told her everything her eyes became wide.

"Oh my...your in so much trouble Em. Have you talked to Tom?"

I didn't have much strength right now so I just shook my head no. She sighed then stood up and approached me, hugging me trying to comfort me from all of this mess. "Everything's gonna be alright" she rubbed my back as I sobbed.

  I didn't notice that I fell asleep when I cried myself to sleep. I awoke to the smell of delicious food from my kitchen.

   I walked to my kitchen and was surprised to see Dan cooking. " It seems that your awake now Em" Dan spoke, glancing at me for awhile then proceeds to continue cooking while humming. I chuckled softly and spoke,"I didn't know you can cook" I stated. As went nearer to him to see that he's cooking pasta. "Well... You don't know me that well then" He glanced at me smirking. I laughed then looked around the surroundings trying to find Bonnie. "Where's Bonnie?"

   "She went grocery shopping with Rupert"he spoke while chopping some ingredients. I didn't even notice that he was wearing an apron. " I'm not trying to be rude Dan but, why are you guys here? Aren't you busy?"I asked at him. He shook his head no then told me to just rest in my room. I then obeyed then went out of the room to sit on my couch. I was disturbed by my phone ringing.

"Hello Emma?" A familiar voice spoke.

", hey Tom" I stuttered.
"Em, about what happened last night...I just wanted to say sorry"he apologized. I don't know how to react or say anything right now. I'm speechless.
" I,too, wanted to apologize for being reckless last night Tom. I really do. How about Jade?" I panicked as I thought about Jade. How could I destroy a relationship like this? Even though Tom cheated on me before doesn't mean that I should mess up his relationship.

"Actually, Jade and I broke up yesterday after we went shopping" he confessed.
"Oh, I am sorry" I really don't know what to say right now. I just wanna die because of the awkwardness between us.
"I hope this won't change anything between us Em. Friends?" He asked hope in voice. "I still do love you Em" he added. I think that it's time to stop all the bitterness that I feel towards him already and just move on. Being better doesn't help me in any other way than just to hold me back in the past and let me suffer in pain. What made me freeze was what he said afterwards.

"Friends, Umm...I also love you Tom, but all I know right now is that we should just stay as friends as of now especially since you just got out of a relationship right now" I explained to him.
"I understand" he said quietly then hung up, not even saying goodbye. I was not in any way convince by what he said to me, that he understood. I huff then got up to go to my room.

  A knock on the door called my attention as I was reading a script from a movie that I will be filming soon."Emma, dinner's ready" Rupert's voice called out from the outside. "Coming!"

I stood up and
Followed him downstairs to be greeted by a mouth watering smell of delicious food coming from the dining room. I was soon welcomed by a tight hug. I smiled to my friends and sat down beside them savouring what they cooked just to make me happy. I think I should tell Rupert and Dan about what happened.

   After spilling to them everything that I remember last night. I was surprisingly welcomed by a warm and comforting hug."Oh Em, don't worry. We will always be here for you" they assured me. Since that night I new that I was so lucky to have such friends like them.

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