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Hey guys!

It's been years since I updated and I know that I left all of you hanging. I want to apologise to all of you who really supported me with this book, and I really didn't expect to receive such support and love. I've actually been thinking on what to do with this book since I've lost interest with Hollywood actors already. So I came up with an idea, and I don't know if this will work but I'll give it a try. I've been feeling discouraged for this past months and I don't really know if people really appreciate me or my books since I started. So my idea is, if I'll have up to 350 followers then I'll surely try my best to finish this book with a happy ending. I don't really know if it's a good idea but it's up to you guys to decide if you'll help me with this. Thank you so much for everything! I really do hope I'll finish this book. Lovelots!


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