Inkigayo stage : Hyun Jung

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Mc's this episode
Ex: D.O

I.O.I: Sohye

Sohye: Annyeong Sohye of I.O.I imbnida!! And I am here with

D.O: Annyeong D.O imbnida

Sohye: Today we have A solo artist from the same label that gave us the oh so popular group right now PINK! Stereo.

D.O:  HYUN JUNG!! That's right KTop entertainments solo artist Hyun Jung is here to perform here debut song Why!!

Sohye: So oppa what are we just standing here for lets get on to the performance.

//D.O and Sohye run towards the stage Hyun Jung was on \\

Sohye: Omo Hyun Jung your performance was great!!

D.O: Would you like to introduce yourself?

Hyun jung:  Annyeonghaseyoh Hyun Jung imbnida. I would like to thank all of the people who have supported me through this experience it has been alot of hard work but it was worth it. Saraghae every one //*Does a heart with her hands*\\

D.O: How do you feel about your first performance?

Hyun Jung: It was scary at first, I thought I was going to mess up or fall. But i didn't and it just became really fun.

Sohye: That's usually what it feels like. I know when I.O.I first performed as a whole group we all were very scared. But loosened up after awhile.

D.O: Well that's all the time we have today guys so I guess this is goodbye from us.

Sohye: Yes I guess this is goodbye from us but dont worry we will be back.

D.O: Annyeong everyone

Sohye: Annyeon all you lovely people!!

Hyun Jung: Annyeong all of my supporters.

//Why starts playing again and everyone starts dancing to the song\\

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