trainee 36: Julian [ B.A.D]

63 10 0

Name: Kang Dong Woo

Stage name: Julian

Birthdate: September 22, 1996

Age: 20

Height: 185cm

Weight: 68kg

Gender: Male

Trainee type: Performance

Face claim:  Sunyoul UP10TION
Back up face claim: Zico block b

- rapping


-anything with horror
-spicy food
-being alone

Love interest: Sorn CLC
Back up love interest: Seungyeon CLC

Best skill: Rapping

Worst skill: Dancing

-Speaks 3 languages fluently: English, Korean, Mandarin
-was a Cube trainee
-Best friendswith fellow trainee Hae Yoon (They are neighbors)
-has a dog named Luna

Message to CEOs: I will work hard to improve myself and reach my dreams. I hope you'll take good care of me!

Debut: Group

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