Trainee 42: Minhyuk

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Name: Jo Minhyuk

Stage Name: Minhyuk

Birthdate: April, 23rd, 1994

Age: 23

Height: 180cm

Weight: 70kg

Gender: Male

Trainee Type: Performance

Face Claim: Kim Sungjoo (Uniq)




-Pokemon impersonations


-Making brass sounds with his mouth



-Being able to be himself


-Bruno Mars

-Showing off his taekwondo skills


-Playing piano

-Learning English songs



-Taking the trash out



-Being too hot

-Being silent

Love Interest: Naeun (Apink)

Best Skill: Singing

Worst Skill: Rapping


-Studied in China, so he's pretty fluent in Mandarin

-He's ambidextrous

-He can whistle with his fingers and does this to get people's attention

-He has a twin sister

-Has two sides to him, can either be your local meme boy or the sexy reason you died. There's no in between.

Message to CEOs: Thanks for giving me this opportunity, I'll work hard. Fighting!

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