Soompi (very sad news)

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Today KTop announced that their CEO Hani will be leaving the company. This is very sad news to KTop trainees and idols and anyone who stans KTop in general. It has not been stated why she is leaving( We think for her acting) but no one knows it was so sudden.CEO Gi-Hye will be staying and continuing KTop Entertainment. We wish the best for Hani and KTop.

Hey guys. Its CEO Hani. I am so sorry for doing this but i have been really busy with school and mostly cheer and dance. I tried to come and write on here awhile but i just never really got the time between my school and afterschool tranings. I have been at school until like 7pm for training then you know how it is homework and everything, so i dont really have time. (I was there for somedays of Winter break as well). Plus Gi-Hye and I dont see each other alot to discuss stuff, we go to 2 different schools now, but Gi-Hye will be taking over officially now. Im so sorry guys. I still will check the story out though from time to time. Just to see. I will not just forget and leave i will stay and read. I will still be in the story as a character just not as a CEO just like maybe a side CEO/ supporter/ secretary like(IDK) maybe even a actress under the label,who knows* wink wonk*. I think Gi-Hye can handle it. Once again I am so so sorry.

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