Trainee 57: Wei Yuan

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name:Zhou Wei Yuan

Stage name: Wei Yuan

Birthdate: November 27 2001

Age: 16

Hieght: 187cm

Weight: 57kg

Nationality: Taiwanese

Ethnicity: Taiwanese

Gender: Male

Trainee type:Performance

Face claim: Infinite's Dongwoo

Back up face claim: Seventeen's DK

Talents: Rapping at LTE Speed, Spreading positive energy


- Puppies

- Dark things

- Black

- Snorlax

- Passion fruit green tea

- Making jokes and doing gags

- Spreading positive energy


- Rude and inconsiderate people

- Arrogant people

- Chocolate and fish(allergic)

- People who insult his family

- Seeing his members or closed ones upset or down

- Negative things

Love interest: Somi of I.O.I

Backup love interest: Jinsol of April

Best skill: Rap

Worst skill: Singing


-Called Zhoudiot by the trainees and fans

Message to CEOs: Annyeonghaseyo, I'll do my best to prove my skills and make you proud! If performace

Debut: Group

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