Trainee 50: Aki

29 4 1

Name: Chi Jihun

Stage name: Aki

Birthdate: September 18th 2001

Age: 16

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 132lbs.

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: Korean-American

Gender: Trans male (ftm)

Trainee type: performer

Face Claim: Baekhyun of Exo

Backup: Jimin of Bts

Talents: Rap, Dance


-Hot Cocoa

-Bts, his role models



-Airport Fashion


-pancakes r bae



-People calling him gay, he's pansexual

-hate/harsh criticism


Love interest: Jin BTS

Best Skill: Rapping &/or dance

Worst skill:vocals


-he grew up in America

-he knows Korean,Chinese, is learning Japanese, and is relearning English

-he grew up in an emotionally abusive home, so he's rly sensitive & emotional

-"I need to eat less" (No smol you are fine the way you are)

-will use his double joints against anyone who is grossed out by it

Message to CEOs:Thank you for all your time and hard work I'm sure this company will go far

Debut: group

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