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- Ticci Tobys pov-


Dang hes still sad... after how many years ... 1..2.... about 5 years . why can't he be normal again I mean it's just another death right? Everyone here is used to it by now even for their friends. Maybe jeff's just got tired of all the death. Maybe that's why he also shut everyone out and went numb to everything. 

I mean lj's death yeah we all mourned at least a week he was like family, But between the z-troops killing us and mother nature taking us by either age or sickness we're all used to it.  There's got to be some way to make the old jeff come back cause i don't like this one. He just stills there with a sad look and doesn't move unless he has to.

Maybe I should get him something ..... special .... everyone else brought him weird stuff like stuff lj had. no I want to do something out there . After all he deserves it he was the first to be here ...... how hes not an old man like slender stumps me . Even masky's getting grey hairs, or maybe that's from stress. OH I HAVE AN IDEA.....

- normal pov-

" hehe.... h-hey masky I locked myself out of my room again "

Masky face palm's " how many time do I tell you to either have your key always on you or wait till your outside the room to lock it ?"

"...... a-a lot ......"

" So why should I help you get back in?"

" i-i'll break a window and blame it on you and you know matter what I do you always get in trouble from slender"

" ..............." Masky threw a bundle of keys at toby.

" bring those right back ."

" I-I will " Toby ran up stairs to the third story which only the high rank of the pastas stay that live in that dimension. which meant masky, hoodie, toby, Jeff, laughing jack, Ben_drowned, and slender man rooms where all in that area. Toby walked right past his room heading to the second to last door on the right side.

The name on the door , although wore from the lack of care over the year, clearly said laughing jack. Toby smirked walking in side using the key masky had given him.

" lj told me about a certain box...... it was important? ..... I can't remember all I remember is I got in trouble for touching it"

Toby rummaged threw a very cluttered closet. After about ten minutes of throwing stuff around he got to a faded jack-in-box box .

" hehe bingo.....n-now to get it fixed and to jeff"

- slight time skip-

" j-jeffy~  I got something f-for you~"

" toby go away i'm not in the mood for your voice"

" nobody's ever i-in the mood for my v-voice now just open the bag"

Jeff got out his bed and walked over to toby taking the bag and takes out the jack-in-the-box . His frown deepens deeper than an unexplored crack in sea floor. He sits it on the dresser .

"Toby what kind of joke is that you know how I feel about anything that even reminds me of him"

" b-but that's his box Jeff i thought you might like it"

" i-i........... I hate it"


" I said I hate it , I hate it, I hate you, I hate living on this god for saken ! So you know what Toby screw you for thinking that would help!"

" I-I'm s-sorry I j-just thought-"

" You thought what that box was going to make me feel better?!!"

Toby hesitantly nodded 

" Well you know what it didn't it made me feel so much worse than what I was feeling ! What did you think was going to happen jack was going to come back just because you brought it to me?!"

  As if on cue the crank on the box that was sitting on jeffs dresser started to turn by itself playing the twisted version of ' pop goes the weasel'.


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