it was only half of reality..

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warning slight graphics  but not much.... i could have gotten worse about it


-ljs pov- 

I was shocked... more shocked than I have ever been I thought other jacks could go in the box,but..... but there the box layed on the ground. Well with jeff inside it and the other jack completely gone mad with laughter. I fell to my knees shacking furiously and tears start streaming down my face. I gently grab the box pulling it close to me avoiding all contact with the rusted handled on the side of it. the other jacks voice had gone deep and monstrous.

"what's wrong jacky boo did you not want your friend to see the troubles of your past?! I'm doing you a favor . you don't have to deal with any of his bull anymore..... you can finally live in piece"

" you mean in pieces"

"what ? what do you mean?!"

" i mean i'm going to kill you, shove you body into that box after getting jeff out and burn the box!" I yell at the top of my lungs at the end.  

 I gently set the box down on the dresser making sure nothing could happen to it then I look back at the other jack.He had this idiotic smirk on his face as if he was going to win, but he was dead wrong.... literally. Before he could bat an eye I had him pinned down to the floor as he struggled against me. I quickly grabbed jeffs knife that was laying on the floor and slit the jacks throat. He didn't last too much longer before he went limp slowly turning to dust, and I make sure it doesn't go anywhere.

I watched for the wooden box to open and after about ten minutes it did and jeff landed on the floor with a thud . I dump the ashes in the box and light it on fire before anything else could happen. After the box was completely gone I look over at jeff to make sure he was ok. He was all that was wrong was that he was out cold, which was probably for the better anyways. everything was going to be fine now.

- jeffs pov-

I slowly wake up to see I was in my room, and that nothing was out of place. Was I dreaming all of that? Was it all a dream in the first place? I watch lj walk in with a plate of waffles ( assume toby was cooking) and a glass of water. He looked at me and immediately smiled, and slightly rush walked over to where I was laying. Maybe I was't dreaming....

"  How are you feeling jeff?"

I smiled and took the plate he offered me. " good I guess nothing feels bad if that's what your asking"

" that's good to know.."

" lj"

" yes jeff?"

" did you ...... kill someone not as in kill but as in.... slowly rip their body apart and... was happy about it?"

" well... yes.... but! that was in my past before I was ever apart of the pastas and before slender taught me when enough is enough"

" oh.... but you don't do that now do you ?"

" of course not.... and I never will again that's for sure"

I smiled and ate happily then a thought rang threw my head... I want to have this man be with me forever


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