The truth behind happiness

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-no ones pov-

"You guys I understand your married , but please keep it clean in front of the children" Masky points to sally and toby. Jeff and Lj chuckled on the couch holding hands leaning on each other.

" Sorry masky ill tell jeff to resist me "

" oh~ that's impossible~"

"w-wait did h-he call me a child?!"

Jeff and lj smirked looking at each other then turned to toby and masky.

" sorry if we are hurting your relationship guys" jeff said half chuckling. 

"w-what ?!"

" ew " Masky storms off to somewhere. There was a sudden scream from outside that made everyone jump. Every however did get up and rushed outside. All they saw was a horrid sight, ben was standing there a sword half way threw his chest. He slowly dropped to the ground and went limp and lifeless. Jeff, of course, ran over to ben since ben was like his best friend. The shady figure payed no attention to jeff and turned to the others letting out a deep laugh humming a Erie tune. No one moved, but raged filled everyone who was seeing the sight. No one just hurts a pasta and gets away with it alive.

" i'll inform slender" Hoodie said. everyone nodded as he ran off.

" Lj see if you can distract the guy if we can get ben to ej then he might be saved" Masky implies without emotion.

" with pleasure " Lj disappeared reappearing in front of the shady figure attacking him. Masky runs over getting ben from jeff, and rushing him inside. The others seemed to have joined the fight, but the guy had made many holograms of himself so no one knew who was fighting the real guy. Jeff knew which one it was by the color of his eyes. He had saw it when he ran past him to get to ben. They were black and soulless. Jeff looked around for a while , but then saw the guy leaning against a tree. Jeff just smiled pulling out his kitchen knife which had been recently cleaned and ran behind the tree lines. The figure notice but didn't make any sudden moves. Jeff lunged in an attack only to be throw threw a few trees. jeff staggered up.

"I-I see how it is now" He spat blood to the side whipping it his mouth " I think its about time for you to go-to-sleep!"

Jeff and the man were engaged in an intense battle, but in the end jeff was hurt and the man got away. He had a huge gash on his stomach area and back, he has been impaled by many branches when thrown into trees, and had gash somewhere on his head. He let out a weird grunt falling to the ground, all the holograms disappeared which pissed off and few pastas. Lj looked around and his eyes widen as they lock on jeff . 

"JEFF!!" Lj ran over to him gently pulling jeff to him. Jeff only let out a yelp of pain in response.

" j-jeff stay with me can you even hear me?!"

jeff nodded being paler then before.

" jeff you can't leave me we just got back from out honey moon. Nothing was supposed to happen we were supposed to live happily ever after " lj had black tears streaming down his face.

Jeff shakily reached his hand out to Ljs face giving a weak smile. Lj grabbed jeffs hand pressing it against his cheek. "y-yo-your an i-idiot happily e-ever afters o-only happen in stories"

" don't say that" lj said in a hushed hurt tone.

"W-we w-were just star c-cr-crossed lovers doomed to die like r-romeo and j-Juliet. I-I'm sorry I d-don't want to leave either, but I can feel it. Please live on . tell me each day what you see or where your going * slight chuckle* I-I promise I won't be g-going anywhere. Your too good to me you know. ha I do ............ do love you" Jeffs hand went limp and almost fell out of ljs hand.

" no no no NO NO NO NO DON'T LEAVE DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS JEFF PLEASE"  lj kept crying out but jeff never moved and wouldn't be. It started to storm and rain as everyone morned some silent and some out loud. They lost a friend and they lost their family.


Jeffs eyes shot open as he sat up in bed whipping the tears from his eyes.

" Another weird dream geez....." He pulled himself up going down stair stopping at the bathroom looking in the mirror. Still had the same brown hair, had eye lids, non-pale skin, and ....he was him alright. He sighed going downstairs. Why him why are these dreams so real?..... Maybe they are maybe their from a past life . They felt too real to jeff all of it seemed like it was touchable. Jeff sighed pulling out a bowl and some cereal. He ate some of it then pulled out a faded paper with the scribbled words ' no eyes always watching on it'.

" maybe this is because of you"


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