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Another day hit the calendar like a punch to the face . the world seem to repeat itself over and over and no one noticed except for the very few who lived long enough to be able to .Those who are mostly immortal can see past the constant change of the world and see a replay on every plant , person , or thing . Those who are apart of a very , very creepy family notice these things more than anyone else . This is where Jeff was stumped . He was from another time and so was everyone else . He was once caught on fire and had gone insane , but now he was just him. No burns , no scars , nothing about him resembled this old version and yet he feels as if he never changed .

So he was married once to some clown guy. Seems like something he'd do even if he didn't want to now . Maybe he does but he'd need to meet the guy and get to know over the course of a few years like a normal person. Love isn't instant and it shouldn't be , but there is such things as love at first sight . This is making him nervous because this man obviously loved him but what if things have changed . He can't look at him in the eyes and tell him to leave he would be breaking someone's heart and he didn't enjoy that thought.

However he would have to if it came down to it. He was going to meet this man or clown guy today. The tall paper-faced man said he had sent news to him what ever that means. In the end it'll just be proof that he is going insane. Maybe this was all an illusion from lead poisoning from drinking bad water. He was lost in thought and was at a lost for words.

Nevertheless he was going to have to do something. even if it be breaking some guys heart or finding out that soul mates do exist. Something was going to have to happen.

Jeff stared out the window watching the trees sway with the wind. Possibility for a storm was always around the corner. He sighed pressing his forehead against the cold glass. He just hopes what ever happens is for the best. For both of them .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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