is this reality?

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previously on defaulted......

" you see there are two ways to be free one a potion or..... to switch places"

" what are you saying"

"I'm saying...." he pulls out the box opening it and pointing it to jeff." by jeffy weffy"

the box then started to suck jeff in, lj tried to grab him but it was too late jeff was gone........


Jeff opened his eyes and look around. He could have sworn he was about to die.......again. As he looked around he saw that he seemed to be in a room. It was nice sized, no bed, no windows, light coming from.... somewhere, a rainbow stained floor, the room seemed to have a wooden style or maybe it was completely wood, and there on the wall was a small red button with the label 'watch me '.

The room was quiet but wasn't quiet enough to drive a man insane. Jeff slowly stood up trying to think of where he was. 

" where am i ?" 

His voice seemed to have no sound as it exited his mouth, Or at least jeff couldn't hear it over all the raging thoughts that were going there his mind. In the edge of the room jeff saw a tear soaked pillow beside a small door. Jeff walked over to top the two objects and slowly opened the door. Inside was a bunch of candy from chocolate, gummies, suckers, and other sweets. 

Jeff looked under the pillow to find nothing. Having nothing else to investigate he walked over the button on the wall.

"mind as well see what this does" 

Jeff pressed the button softly causing the room to shake a little before the walls went white and sound started to come threw. After a few minutes the walls cleared enough to seem almost as if it was glass. His eyes adjusted to the sight as he couldn't understand what was going on. After a few seconds it finally hit him... the room was cover head to toe in blood and lj was in the middle of all of it. There seemed to be mangled body parts and organs all over the bed and floor. Jeff got an uneasy feeling in his stomach as lj laugh evily.

" this..... this isn't real ..... i'm dreaming ... lj would never do that to his kills"

Lj turned picking up the box.

" what the hell is going on"


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